Sawyer couldn't feel his legs. It had gone numb from his waist downward, and his head was heavy; as though it was stuffed full with lead. He couldn't move it without a splitting headache rocking his skull. His joints ached and his stomach felt weird. His anal hole wasn't even hurting.

What. The...He ran a hand down his body slowly to a surprise on his stomach. His baby bump was gone!

That fueled his static energy and he jerked upright in a panic. Had he lost the babies? Where were they?

There was a slight tug at his left arm and he frowned, glaring up at the connected drip bag. His eyes were unfocused as he stared at Daniel's turned back. The Alpha leaned forward, singing into the crib in front of him. The atmosphere was set ablaze by tiny, shrill cries that made Sawyer's head burn. They sounded cute...and dreadful.

As though Daniel could feel that he was awake, he turned, eyes widening in momentary panic. "You're awake, oh my goodness." He rushed forward, placing a steadying grip on Sawyer's shoulder to help him lay back again without upsetting the drip cord. "Go easy on yourself, Sawyer. You were not supposed to wake up till tomorrow morning."

"How are my babies? I want to see them."

"They're doing fine for now," the cries grew louder, the bed dipping as Daniel settled next to him. "Maddie was able to get the first one out before Pixie got here. She said that the position of the second wasn't right and had to conduct a C-section to get him out." The Alpha's voice softened. "They're the most beautiful boys I've ever seen, Sawyer. I've never been more proud of this moment."

Sawyer snorted weakly. "Thanks to you for knocking me up pretty good. Hear how they cry? It sounds like you."

Instead of growling and feeling insulted, Daniel raised his chin up in pride. "They are alright. But don't act like they didn't get the crying trait from you. Teagan has your eyes and hair, while Milo shares the same birthmark on your wrist."

"You've named them already? Without consulting me?"

"I couldn't contain myself, Sawyer. I feel like the world's luckiest man. For having you and our beautiful boys by my side. I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else."

Sawyer hummed, smacking his dry tongue. Daniel got the idea and got up to fetch a bottle of water from the table where Sophie had left it. He opened it and handed it over to Sawyer with a straw. Sawyer drank it greedily, amazed by how thirsty he felt. When he emptied the bottle, Daniel tossed it in the trash can beside the door. "Me too. They're our little miracles. Thanks to the Moon Goddess."

"Yeah," Daniel nodded. "Thanks to her."

Sawyer felt so relieved and drained. He reached for Daniel's hand, their fingers intertwining. The smile on Daniel's face was priceless. He'd never seen a happier Alpha, and it gave him a great sense of calm and comfort to have someone like Daniel be there for him always. "You look so happy."

Daniel leaned down and pecked his lips softly, his green eyes twinkling. "Because I am happy. You've made me proud."

"I'd like to see them. Can you bring the crib closer?"

"Oh, right away." Daniel kissed the back of his hand and stood up halfway to pull the wooden crib forward. He helped Sawyer sit, and carried the first twin. "This is Teagan," Daniel gestured to the red cord on the baby's right leg. "He has your hair, Sawyer. So adorable."

Sawyer chuckled, running his hands through the beautiful, soft brown locks. Teagan had Daniel's pointed nose and sexy lips. He kissed the baby's forehead. "He's going to be your favorite. I can feel it."

"It's too early to decide that, hun. I promise to love both of them equally."

"I didn't say you won't. But this little guy here would be your bias."

"We'll see." Daniel snorted, his lips curling in a challenge.

The door burst open and Maddie rushed in, breathless. Spencer was hot on her heels. Daniel frowned. "Sawyer, thank goodness you're awake."

"Have you two been running?" Sawyer raised a brow, patting Teagan's shoulder gently as the baby cried.

"Everyone's been anxious since you went into labor," Maddie said. "We thought you wouldn't make it with the second baby."

"Well he did make it," Pixie said behind Spencer. "And they're both beautiful, strong healthy boys. You two shouldn't be making a fuss."

Maddie edged close to the crib, her eyes softening. It seemed as though she wanted to cry as she picked the second twin up, coddling him close to her bosom. She beamed at Sawyer. "He's got your lips."

"Yes, yes. The babies have good genes, now shoo," Pixie waved them to a corner, elbowing Daniel out of her way so she could sit on the bed. "How do you feel, Sawyer? Dizzy?"

Sawyer nodded, peaking at Teagan's face. The baby had gone quiet and was snoring soundlessly, his mass of curly brown hair falling over his eyes. "I feel tired. And relieved, but mostly tired. My head hurts a bit as well and my eyes are droopy."

"That's to be expected. The pregnancy took a big toll on your health," she scribbled something down on her clipboard. "I'm recommending an extensive bed rest for you, at least for a week."

"But," Sawyer's heart sank. "What about the babies? I have to feed and take care of them."

"We have a special formula designed to give them all the nutrients they need for healthy growth. As for taking care of them, I'm pretty sure Daniel is up to the task. He's their father, after all."

"I think he's hungry," Sawyer said when Teagan began crying again. Pixie called out to someone and Pharell came running, clutching two baby feeder bottles of milk. He handed one to Maddie, then Sawyer. Teagan gulped the contents greedily, his eyes shut. Sawyer placed the now emptied feeder bottle on the desk next to his bed. "He's got quite an appetite."

"Yes, yes. You need to rest." Pixie took the child from his arms and shoved it at Daniel.

"Easy on my son." Daniel scowled. Pixie paid him no mind, helping Sawyer lie down well. "He's going to be your future Alpha, woman."

"I didn't know that we wouldn't have to wait till his eighteen to find out if he's an Alpha or not." Sawyer mused.

"The first baby is usually an Alpha. Take it from me." Daniel affirmed.

"Times are changing," Pixie hummed. "I hope it turns out the way you want it to."

A brief flash of light illuminated them. Spencer stepped closer to show them the picture he'd taken. "Do you guys have a name for both of them already?"

"Yes. Teagan and Milo," Daniel came around, over to the other side of Sawyer's bed to have a glimpse of the picture. The twins were asleep now and Maddie had dropped Milo carefully in the crib, joining them to look at the picture.

"I look horrible." Sawyer declared, upset that his hair was messed up and the bags beneath his eyes looked as though they were stitched into place by a sewing machine. The only cute thing was the way Daniel stared down adoringly at a sleeping Teagan. Spencer giggled at how funny it was to see the Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack looking so gooey-eyed over a small child.

"You look hot, babe. I'd totally bang you even though you look like a dried stack of potatoes." Daniel fluttered his lashes, trying to look cute.

"That's very...flattering. Thank you. And please, your puppy eyes are dreadful."

"Hey, give your man some compliment."

"It's the truth. I won't lie to please you."

"So you tell the truth to hurt me? Is that what you're trying to say here?"

"Babeeee," Sawyer leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips. Daniel's shoulders relaxed as he tilted Sawyer's head for more but the omega pulled away.

"I need a nap. I'm feeling dizzy."

"Not even a quickie?"

"God, no. Do you want to kill me?!"