
The house screamed one word, opulence. From the furniture to the decor. It was a ten bed-roomed house, with a gym, two different living rooms, a terrace on the second floor, a hundred squared feet swimming pool, a Jacuzzi, a kitchen that was bigger than the two-roomed house Leo and his family lived in and a large free ground full of beautifully sculpted flowers and hedges and it even had a maze in the far left-hand corner of the grounds.

Then they toured the bedrooms. Leo just couldn't comprehend why they needed so much room but as usual Dylan convinced him that it was okay and this was just a normal house according to his standards. Dylan also used his emotional blackmail card by telling Leo that his mama needed enough room to move around since she rarely left the house.

The master bedroom, which Leo insisted be occupied by his mother, had a large king-sized bed that was neatly made with dark pink bed sheets and a similar colored duvet was neatly folded at the corner. There were three large pillows and a lot of throw pillows that Leo didn't care to count. It had a walk-in closet and when they entered the bathroom, Leo's jaws couldn't hold his lips apart. It was so big that he didn't see the need of it but, anyway, he couldn't change things so accepting them as they were earlier, the better it was for his brain.

There was a large bathtub and he was sure his mom would feel comfortable here and all he needed was to add a few necessities to make it more comfortable for her. He didn't even bother going into the walk-in closet because he knew there would be more surprises there.

They then toured the other rooms and he was more satisfied with what he saw. He was happy that Dylan thought of installing a small elevator that would make his mom's movements around the house easier.and more convenient.

When they came downstairs, Leo was surprised to see eight people lined up. Apparently, they were his, or should he say their, new helps. One was the driver whom they had already met and who took their car to park, the gate man to their house, two groundsmen, two cooks and two cleaners. Dylan also told him that the same nurse who had been taking care of his mom so far will move in with them. Leo just nodded and let Dylan have his way if that was what made him happy.

After they were done with the tour of the house, it was time to tour the grounds. Dylan went to hold Leo's hand but Leo pulled it away.

"Have you forgotten what we said? Someone may see us and gossip about us to mom. I don't want that to happen. So, no holding of hands here until we tell mom about it," he said seriously as he looked at Dylan like a parent reprimanding a wayward child.

"Ok. Sorry. We will do as you say. Though I would have loved to," Dylan walked away, his shoulders drooping like a child who was caught with his hand in a cookie jar and told off even without one.

Leo caught up to him, held his hand and pecked his lips. Dylan smiled and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. For the next one or so an hour, they toured the grounds and Leo was satisfied with what he saw.

Finally! Finally! Things were slowly falling into place.

He looked up and smiled.

It won't be long now.