Gracce Of A War God


In the normal world, and the underworld groove, weeks had passed turning it into a month without the [Temple Slaves] realising that it is already a month. All they have been acustomed to seeing was the thick darkness of night and the blazing furnance of the [Eternal Flames]... and right now, they were still wandering in the lower confines of the dark Vile Castle hiding away from the inferior Monk who was so desperate in finding and eating his lunches.

Blake knew that their chances of hiding from the Monk was running out slowly, although one of his attributes potrays luck but to be precise, luck do run out. Even though it's a Gold Luck or a Silver Luck.

Blake's brow arched sideways as he was reminded of the Monk being almost an underbelly away from them. Blake was sure before about the route, but right now he was lost. And he didn't have the courage to tell that he was not sure of where they were going. Definitely, it was going to sound so absurd to the ears, most especially when these horde of humans were putting their hopes on him. Did I forget to mention, they were still on their shackles and obviously, that was the only reason the Monk was able to find them. The clinking of metals sounded so loudly whenever they try to run faster but sometimes, the shackles constricted their movement.

The next minute, the walls from behind exploded into rains of stone shards and dust particles and sand filling the air.

Tentacles whipped the air and then grabbed one slave coiling around the unlucky fellow and then, its body turned into a puddle of blood and the body of the already dead slave was dragged below the broken wall and then the dust settled.

However, the air was so full of tension that one could almost cut it with a knife. With every day of dread happening to a particular slave, the already frayed nerves of the horde of humans drew tauter and tauter.

Fear, unease, and anxious anticipation built and built, mixing under the pressure of uncertainty into dark, viscous, and volatile dread.

This was bad... so bad!

Blake instantly saw a door just by the left and he tried to open it.

By his sharp ability to recognize his lineage, he was able to tell that the gods dwell behind the dark ivory door which towered like a mosaic. But, his every trial to push open the door was futile.

'What if there is a powering gateway in there? What if their escape route appeared to be this room?'

Blake was finally getting his hope, the dark will spirit ignited in his eyes once again. Those blue eyes that had turned dull and bleak was now full of life alacrity, vice versa.

But the only problem here was that the door was dammed. Or he require much strength to open it which he certainly do not have.

He turned and stared at the crowd of people..

"Uhm, I... can't possibly open up this door!"

After his little statement was pondered on for a while, a dark guy stepped out. His own shackles was binding him in the worst way that he possibly couldn't do anything.

"I have an ability [ATyrant's Burden] its the power of strength. I might try push, but this shackles..."

Blake thought for a while and then he picked up a stone and started to hammer it on the volatile compactment of the shackles. The strength of the stone wasn't able to destroy or break open the shackle but at least, its slack loosened and then the chain stretched giving him the chance to move freely just like Blake. But now, it would be hard to control the shackles from producing sounds.

The dark guy was called Collins Lee and he cheapishly said his name out as if acting coyish.

After a while of joke which Blake didn't like, Collins started to push on the door with his ability [A Tyrant's Burden]. The tall ivory gate made a shrill creak and his feet sank into the sand. His bones groaned and his teeth clattered. The intense pain tore through him but, the door didn't move for a bit. Or it did move slightly but stopped moving later on.

Collins staggered backwards due to exhaustion but maintained his balance at some point.

Blake tched...

It did not work.

Gabriel walked forward to hold Collins. Although the guy looks like he was maintaining his balance, no one knows when he would fall, so they just had to take precaution.

Evie stared at Gabriel.

"Gabby, soul travel into the room"

Gabriel turned to face the girl.

"You know that, there must be a soul in there before I would be able to travel if that then isn't the case then it wouldn't work."

Evie turned to face Blake.

"Blake, what did you sense in there?"

Blake tskked...

"My lineage!! gods and Altars."

"Remember, gods do not have souls..."

Blake reminded Evie who sighed as if there absolutely is no way out again.

Meanwhile, Gabriel who felt the need to try, connected his soul with another and then, he passed through Azulu's soul to get to the ivory door and the girl gasped.

Gabriel decided to try that again and when he connected his soul with the spiritual confines of the room...

"It linked? My... oh my, someone is..."

Before he was done talking to them, the effect of the Soul Link took place and he saw himself in a shabby room. And just as Blake said, there was an Alter, the dwelling of gods... and,

'a gateway?'

Looking at the distance, there was a gateway looking at him. It was simmering intense gold radiance. The magnificent call of freedom resounded in his head.

'Should I go?'

He wondered.

The gateway was powerfully surging with the runes and unlike the one in the basement, this one was way brighter. Gabriel turned to face the ivory door, it was perfectly locked from the inside and then looking around, it was empty.

"But... did he not just connect with a soul?"

Gabriel was speechless.

"Or, did the gods decide to create a soul? But where is it?"

All of these mysteries was inflicting a high on headache on him and he gritted his teeth in pain.


The Monk realised that the horde of humans seem to be concentrated on the Vault Altar of the daemon god and he felt curious. First and foremost, the vault door was considered as the entrance to freedom and he definitely couldn't let his lunch go, most especially Blake. If he could have Blake alone, he would most definitely leave the others to go claim their freedom but absolutely not Blake.

Immediately, the Lord Monk appeared out of nowhere and attacked the horde of humans. Its tentacles was filled with pulsating power and he struck another human down with blood pooling down. Blake immediately summoned the [Dark Scion] which weaved itself into reality using that same scarlette light which the gods naturally bestowed on it. The Dark Scion was created in such a way that whoever recieves a blow from it, never heals at all from the bruises it gives to the person. It main point now is for its victim to bleed and continue bleeding.

When Blake noticed the tentacles, he gave a high leap and chopped one side off, but that did not stop other tentacles from growing more and shooting forth towards him. Tera and Evie dashed forward and attacked with their sword.


Many more minutes passed but Blake failed to inflict another injury on the Monk. Instead, it was the other way round. Blake recieved deep cuts on his arm and elbow. One of the tentacles already shot into his skin and he grazed the Dark Scion on it to prevent it from dragging out a chunk of flesh from him. The battle was so intense that Blake was nothing but shocked by his immerse prowess but after realising that he was a descendant of the [War god] Blake didn't relent. He was nothing more than powerful. He was also destined for this and right now, he was answering the call of the gods...

He could feel the gracce coming. Each hour passed with the instense fight still in dire progress. Evie and Tera had no time to use magic. It would only give them time to die so they rather fight.

The Ivory door suddenly swinged open and without waiting to be told, all of the humans dashed in.

The gateway stood majestic before then and then, Gabriel stood on its platform. For a few minute, nothing happened and then later, light emanated and finally, he was gone. The reason was because this gateway hasn't been used in centuries so using it for the first time after many centuries would cause it to lag or probably boost according to how the case maybe.

Blake managed to tackle the Monk as he summoned the Dark armour. Once it finally surfaced, he pulled out the two crossing spear from behind him and stabbed the tentacles of the Monk pinning it to the wall and then, verbally connected the other spear precisely called [Javelin] and flattened it on the Monk's tummy.

Then, getting this chance, he used the Dark Scion to chop off completely another large tentacles.

The Monk was rendered speechless by the sudden attack.

But his fear skyrocketed the moment its almost upto ten minutes and his tentacles wasn't growing out back. Even his wounds weren't healing. The only one he felt healing was the one pierced by the spear.

All of a sudden, Blake's eyes began to radiate and his killing intent multiplied.

"Get ready to die, Monk."

Blake didn't hide the fact that he was a descendant of the War god from the Monk and when his cloths lifted, the mark which was a proof of him being an heir came to the Monk's view and then, all hell was let loosed.