One Long Night#13



Like a fast moving shadow, Zero moved from one alley to another towards the location where Anna took Elle with her. While he believes that they are safe, he can't be really relaxed unless he sees them with his own eyes, in a location where nobody will harm him.

Running all over the place, Zero tried finding them, but even after looking for a few moments, he still couldn't find them. Though he wasn't happy with the development, he still had no choice but to be satisfied with whatever he did.

After this point, no matter how he feels, if anything happens to Anna and Elle, there is little he could have done about it. He sighs before hoping for the best and then checking his phone for a certain message, and then he smiles as he looks at the message.

From that point, he changes direction and heads towards the north of Lake Bryxton.

-Weeoo Weooo