One Long Night#14

A few moments earlier…

Annabeth was running with an unconscious Elizabeth in her arms in a hurried manner. She tried to increase as much distance from Zero as possible cause…

'That kid... he is a monster… the way he, the way he destroyed that demon inside that dimension… and here I thought I would never see anything more dangerous than that demon in my life…' thought Anna as she ran away from the demon.

When she entered that dimension, she saw that demon immediately and fearstrucken by the power of that demon, she instinctively hid herself behind a rock. She didn't know how to get out of there but still kept thinking of a way while her heart was beating furiously because of the horrifying situation she was in.

Though… just as she began losing hope… he came. Reaper was it? That guy just spoke something like,'Blood Sacrifice: Second Moon' before his aura changed completely in an instant.