Character Introduction: William Laurentz

In the previous timeline a few days before the second Cataclysm…

"WILLIAM LET ME IN!!!!" I was furious as I shouted at William and glared at him with my bloodshot eyes and half broken body which had almost reached its limit.

"You don't belong here, kid. Leave or else I will have no choice but to kill you," William spoke without any emotions in his words as he looked down on me.

"WHY?!! EXACTLY WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!!" I shouted with pure hatred in my voice. I failed to understand why William was stopping me from going inside that castle.

"It's the King's order. I can never defy it," William spoke, finally answering me after 3 days of ignorance.

"Huh?!" My eyes blanked for a bit before I asked,"Which one?"

William… belongs to the human faction. And currently he was guarding the… Vampire King's Castle.