One Long Night#17

"I am here for her," Reaper spoke without hiding anything anymore. If it wasn't for William then I would have played a bit more. But with William being here, I need to show a few cards.

"Her… how much do you know?" asked William with a sliver of seriousness in his voice as he looked at Lucia, whose eyes were questioning everything that she was looking at right now.

"A few things here and there. Initially, I came here just to find Demitri, also to make sure that he doesn't do anything to Lucia Scarlet. Though upon finding her to be a vampire, I have decided to kill her," I lied through my teeth as I looked at Lucia and her expression changed to stupefied from the previously shocked one.

William, who expected something like that, spoke with a bit of a sigh." I guessed it. Hey, can you do me a favour? Let her go. She is someone important to me. I will owe you another one."