One Long Night#19

If I am supposed to save this world, then I need to either rule over it or perhaps manipulate the one who is ruling over it. If I want to rule over this world, then I need people capable of handling different situations under me. I can't watch over everything… so I need people with abilities to become my eyes. People who won't betray me… or perhaps people who can't betray me.


Reaper looked at Demitri with a widening smile before speaking,"I want you to rule over… Arcadia… as my slave."

Demitri observed Reaper with slightly wide-opened eyes with a baffled expression. He didn't know whether it was a lie or a truth but compared to living in Bryxton, in hiding, only to be found by the vampires and be killed off, this was a better deal in many ways.

If it were a lie, then he would just become someone's underling who could potentially kill all vampires. He might also get Reaper's protection in return.

If it were the truth, then it would be even better.