One Long Night#20


[Oh! You are back. That's earlier than I thought]

I fell on my face on the green grass before slowly turning on my back and then looking at the blue sky full of clouds. There was no sun, yet it wasn't dark anymore. The familiar screen was in front of me and I knew I was back in the white dimension.

'Though it can't be called a white dimension anymore, I suppose?' I thought as I stood up and then looked at the scared and terrified man in front of me. He was an average man in every aspect, with black hair and an average looking face.

I observed him trying to recall if I knew anyone like him… however after some thought; I reached the conclusion that I did not.

"Who is he?" Elle came from behind and looked at that man with a questioning gaze. That man was trying to hide his face with his hands, as if someone was trying to kill him.

"Probably, Demitri killed him in the previous timeline," I answered and Elle nodded, as if thinking the same thing.