One Long Night#26

"And that's how I know about your son and you," I told her the truth and breathed a sigh of relief as I looked at her face marred with disbelief.

She wanted to deny my words by saying that it's all bullshit, but the fact that she can differentiate between truth and lies probably stopped her from doing so.

After another few moments of silence, she took a deep breath before speaking,"I have a few questions."

Looking at her, she had a complex expression on her face and I could more or less understand what she was feeling right now. I smiled a bit before nodding at her as I answered her,"sure, go ahead."

"You didn't tell me about my son. You just said that he was captured and even before you just said that I can't reach him. What did you mean by that?" She asked, and it made me ponder a bit before I looked at her hard to describe face. If before she looked like a crazy predator, now she was nothing more than a defenceless mother who just wanted to know about her son.