One Long Night#27

There are consequences for everything in this world.

If I hadn't decided to meet Lucia, then she might have already been in control of Demitri. If I hadn't talked with Demitri, then perhaps, he would have been caught and killed by William, in the end setting the Queen free, which would have caused a dire situation leading to the deaths of innocents.

If I hadn't killed Demitri, he would have told someone about me and then I would have been dealing with unnecessary dangers. If I hadn't killed him, I would have never known about Mike Ingrid's situation and in the end I wouldn't be here with Aelia Rosalyn Scarlet.

You can also look at it from Rosalyn's point of view, if she had just stayed there instead, she wouldn't have been facing me against her. Perhaps if she hadn't created the condition of taking over someone's body over a death battle where her freedom of her status was in question, she might not be in this grave situation at all.

