Arcadia Academy#8 A small Commotion

"Then it makes me even more confused. If you are really that powerful, then why do you even need someone like me, who isn't even a proper human?" She asked as she stared into my eyes with all seriousness as she didn't even blink as she kept observing me.

"We all have our secrets, don't we?" I smiled as I stood up before walking away from there continuing,"I will be meeting you more often now. Let's talk about making you more powerful when the time comes and you can think about the deal till we meet next."

Slowly, I moved away from there as I sensed Lilith sitting there motionless, processing everything. She must be thinking about the deal I proposed and I wonder what decision she would make.

'For now, let's eat something for real. All this aroma of food is making me hungry,' I thought as I left the restaurant and looked around for another dining place nearby.