Arcadia Academy#9

There were only three Unorthodox ones out of the top ten currently present here and together we were in a minivan of sorts with three rows of seats, with Dalton driving the car and Lucas sitting beside him. Rita and the other guy who was from the Unorthodox ones, Weber, was sitting in the back seat. As for me, I was sitting in the middle row with Lucy, who was just mindlessly observing the scenery.

I, too, turned to look at the scenery, which was lined with buildings where either the rich stayed or students of the Academy came to practise their martial arts and enhance their skills.

The more we moved in, the more I saw people wearing academic dresses. Most of them were staff members, with the others being retired professors and military guards.

"Aidan… if it is not too much-" Weber tried to ask a question, and I interrupted him before he could complete his question.