Getting Along with Classmates

After another half an hour or so, the others came back too. The highest floor they made up to was the 5th floor with the average people reaching the 3rd floor, my class 1E, I mean.

I nodded at it, as I expected it this much.

I noticed that there were 2 people who reached the top. One was Gloria, the purple-haired girl who was sitting in front of me before. While the other one was a black-haired guy named Razor Adam. I observed these two and nodded in my head to do a background check on them as well.

'Let's see if I can use you or not,' I thought before all of us began sitting in the metro, moving back one step at a time.

"Aidan!!!" I heard someone calling me from behind and I turned around to see Dalton was running as fast as he could before he reached me. Professor Hoffman and the others also looked at Dalton before looking at me with slight curiosity in their eyes.