Getting along with Classmates#2

"Isn't there going to be skill distribution after the test? Are you not going to take a skill of your own?"

Gloria was confused and so was Variel and I just smiled before speaking,"with the amount of mana I have. I doubt the skills would do much good for me."

It was an honest opinion as I was a master of all weapons, basic mastery skills of any weapon would do me no good. As for mana related skills, I doubt I need to have them as what I have in comparison is 10s of times better if not 100.

Though, Gloria and Verial, confused for a second, understood my lack of mana as they analysed the amount of mana I have.

'This reminds me that I need to unlock another mana channel or so… while I had been concentrating on Spirit Magic and Blood Magic, I should use all types of mana I can. Who knows what I might need where,' I thought as I pondered a little before speaking,

"You made it to the fourth floor, didn't you? That's quite nice. Not as great as me, but still nice."