Back to my Villa

[Zero's POV]

Walking outside the area, first I moved towards the apartment which I had bought before coming here. First thing is to collect more information about the whole situation, and the next is to make sure everyone I have talked with gets the intel files on what task they are supposed to do.

I sat on the bed and took out my laptop as I began working as I sat in a comfortable position.

First there was Rheo, whom I need to send a training regimen to. Reeve Leeway should also arrive soon and I should make them help each other as Rheo lacks power manipulation but has skills, while Reeve was exactly opposite of him, excelling in power manipulation but lacking skills.

Then there was Amelia, whom I needed to give a bit of details regarding Aidan and what kind of monster he was. I can't give his current location to her, as she will only be disappointed with what she will find.