Feels the same as him

[Author's note: This is a short side arc, filled with Point of Views of different characters to explain their relationship and current stand with Zero. Hope you will enjoy this.]

[Amelia's POV]

'How long has it been?' I thought as I looked at the text that Zero… no, Aidan sent to me regarding his future plans against the upcoming hurdle that the entire planet will be face to face with in the future.

'How long has it been since I felt so comfortable?' I thought as I recalled the time when I first met him.

When I first heard the name Aidan Williamson as it was being placed on the list after the list had been finalised, I thought someone who knows about my past has come to make a deal with me or perhaps use me and manipulate me using that knowledge.

Had that been the case, I would have killed him long ago when I first met him, but…