Preparations in Netherrealm: Queen of Pride#2

"Still… that is really something. You are a kindred soul, aren't you?" asked Pride as she observed me and I turned at her with a questioning gaze. She smiled before speaking.

"You are trying to save even monsters like us. You could have left us for all the world's care, but you did not."

She then smiled as she focussed at me as she slightly bent forward and I looked at her and sighed before speaking,"just trying to get all the help I could."

Though she smiled with a mischievous smile as she muttered,"is that so? Guess that is what we are going to go with then."

I sighed before we continued walking towards her castle. She was curious about a lot of things, and I satiated all her curiosity, which made her giggle a lot before both of us reached her castle's throne room and then she moved a bit forward and turned to me.

"So… I guess welcome to my wonderland. What are we going to do next?"