Preparations in Netherrealm: The King of Greed and The King of Gluttony

After I visited Pride, I decided to call the two of them here as well and..

To be honest, I am craving to use Charm Magic on both of these idiots.

But, let's at least try for once,

"Well. I had already informed you about Parasites and stuff, but I haven't told you what your work will be in th-"

"Your desires look delicious," said Greed as he observed me with a keen interest. Those bandages over his eyes weren't really doing their job, as somehow I could feel his eyes and their movements.

"Look deeper," I spoke with a smile and he did so…


He fell on the ground with a slightly shaken look on his face as he observed me and spoke,"how… how can you be this calm… yet in such chaos?!!!"

I sighed before turning to Gluttony, who was just looking at me with cautious eyes. I could only sigh before speaking,"Well… I am going to be direct here. Are you guys with me or against me?! I am powerful enough to kill you both for real, so keep that in mind before you answer."