Third-person point of view

"What did you say?" she exclaimed as she smashed the apple.

"Alyssa has awoken from her nap and appears to be well," he stated nervously.

"How can she be fine if you poison her water!" she shouted, her eyes twitching.

He stutteringly answered, "I did put poison on her drink, I simply did what you asked," he shrugged, adding, "That poison was the most deadly and harmful stuff that I placed."

"Then why the hell is she alright! Tell me, you fool! You just had one job and you can't even poison that goodie tooshoes!" she screamed even louder as she began tossing everything off her desk.

"I'm not sure how, but instead of poisoning her, why don't we murder her, and furthermore, I already sent them the letter as a warning," he shrugged, then produced an evil grin as if he had a plan.

"That letter was a give away for our plan, you idiot! Now, they know someone is attempting to assassinate Alyssa!" she screamed as she scowled at him. "It isn't that simple, you dumb monkey! If you hadn't given that letter away, I would've gotten through my plan."

"Oof, my bad. I'm sorry," he said. "Sure, they know about the letter, but they have no idea who is attempting to murder Alyssa," he continued, pointing to the letter.

"They'll find out sooner or later, you fool, since you included my initial in that idiotic letter!" she said, her twitch returning.

He responded uneasily, "It's no big deal, honey. They won't find out by simply initials."

"NO BIGGIE!" she screamed as she immediately pointed the pistol at him. "What if they pass it to a detective or an investigator, then it's bye-bye for me!"

"Now, now, honey, no need for violence, let's talk this out, shall we?" he asks as he gently places her pistol on the table to calm her down.

"You're right, let's talk this out," she remarked calmly as she took a long breath, before shooting him in the back. "Violence has always been my way of communicating; if you just did your job well, this wouldn't have happened to you," she added as she knelt down and grabbed his face. "Please accept my apologies, sweetheart." As she rose from her seat, she said, "I had to get rid of the issue, and that was you."

She returned to her seat and dialed a number; a few minutes later, her doorbell rang. She quickly responded, bringing in a tall, model-like figure with a gorgeous face and pink brow flow haired male.

In his deep and seductive accent, he asks, "You called, Miss?"

"Ah, yeah. Please dispose of this body as soon as possible," she said, pointing. "No one needs to know that I killed my fiancé, okay?" she sneered as she cleaned her gun. "And, Leif, please clean up when you dispose of the body," she added.

Leif then nodded as he quickly removed the body from her office, with no one else in the building being aware of it. He returned to clean up the remains a few minutes later.

"How am I going to get rid of her if my strategy continues failing?" she muses as she taps her nails on her desk. "You've killed a dozen people, right?" she asks, gesturing with her hand.

"Of course, Miss," Leif assured her, "it's my expertise."

"Excellent! Well, I have a favor to ask. First, pretend to be a transfer student at LMU. Second, pretend to be friends with Alyssa. Third, as you become "friends," make her fall in love with you. Fourth, as she begins to fall in love with you, take her to the LMU garden's cherry blossom tree to make it more romantic. Finally, if she says "I love you" to you in that tree. "Ah, you honestly think I'd love someone like you?" you'll say. "HA! Sorry, Bae, but there was never really an us from the start. This is why I enjoy my work, and now let's get to the good part. Killing you HAHA!" you'll laugh maniacally while pointing at her, and then BANG! " She laughed as she carefully outlined the strategy.

As he listened in on her idea, Leif felt a little agitated.

"But, Miss, why me?" he inquires, puzzled.

"Simple, you're tall, gorgeous, have a fantastic figure, and a very enticing and deep voice; you're the right person for the job, and you're also the sort of guy Alyssa likes," she remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"You can definitely manage this yourself, and moreover, you're already classmates," he offered.

"Because if I do it myself, it will be evident that I was the one who tried to murder her from the beginning, because everyone knows how much I despise her," she added grumpily.

"Just do as she says; if you do, you'll get a raise," her brother said, leaning against the door with arms crossed.

She raises an eyebrow and asks, "Have you been listening to our talk Cadell?"

"I didn't hear anything, nothing at all," he responded, shrugging his shoulders in disbelief.

"What gives?" she asks, her arms crossed. "What brings you here? You only come to me when you need something, what is it?"

"Leif, could you kindly leave us for a moment?" Cadell said. As he locked the door, Leif swiftly exited.

"So, when are you going to quit killing one of your classmates?" he asks, his tone solemn.

"Hmm, let me think," she said, clicking her fingernail. "Never," she said, laughing. "You'd think, I'd stop?" she scoffs. "I will never stop, my beloved brother, until he becomes mine."

"And then what?" he enquired, shouting, "You'll genuinely think he'll adore you after every single one of his peers is dead!"

"Don't you dare shout at me! If you weren't my brother, I'd murder you right now!" she said as she rose up from her chair, aiming her pistol at him. "He will adore me because he doesn't have a choice" with a wicked smirk on her face, she replied, "It's either he loves me or he'll die."

"Whether you're courageous enough to point a pistol at me, why can't you be brave enough to ask if he likes you too?" he ask, angrily.

"How can he like me if he already has a girlfriend, you idiot?" she exclaims. "That's why, I'm going to kill all of my classmates, as well as his love interest, so that there won't be any interference between him and me," she says cynically as she circles around her brother.

He asks, clueless, "Are we talking about Clydesdale or another guy?"

"You don't know who I'm talking about?" she ask confused, rolling her eyes at him and clutching his shoulder. "You know what, get OUT!" she exclaimed.

She rubbed her forehead and sighed hard as she yelled and pointed at the door. Her brother rushed out the door, his legs trembling.