Leif p.o.v

Am I really going for it? Master.Cadell stated that if I do what the young master requests, he will increase my salary. Is it, however, really necessary for me to do it? So, I guess we'll just go with the flow.

Leif dashed to his room and changed into an LMU uniform that cadell had handed him. He went to his young master's office after packing his belongings and knocked on the door.

"I see, you've changed your mind about my favor; well done, Leif," she said, turning her chair around and smiling sinisterly.

"I've changed my mind after giving it some thought; I'll do my best until the job is done," Leif stated confidently.

"Excellent!" she exclaimed proudly as she clapped. "I have high expectations from you, Leif. Remember, make no mistakes because if you do, death will come" she said as she rose from her seat and grabbed his chin, glaring at him.

"I will not let you down, young master," he said nervously.

"Very good, that's a good guy. Now, go kill that wicked b*tch," she says as she pats his head and smiles evilly as she motions him to leave.

He then leaves her offices and rides his motorcycle to school, where he draws everyone's attention when he arrives at the school gate. His masculine figure, sharp jawline, flawless dark long hair, and handsome face.

Pixie stood nearby, envious and curious, as she approached the parking lot to see who it was while tapping Pearl on the shoulder.

Pixie asks, her brows raised and her eyes rolling, "Do you see what I see?"

"Who are you looking at?" Pearl asks. "All I see is Kristine Casey flirting with your boyfriend again," she adds, nudging Pixie's elbow as she points to Kristine.

"Why that flirtatious Kristine, I'll deal with her later," Pixie says, her arms crossed. "What I meant was, across the parking lot, who's that handsome fellow? Isn't he the hottest?" she asks, a flirty bite on her lower lip.

"Are you going to flirt with him as well?" Pearl asked, her arms crossed. "If you are, I will tell Clydesdale. Besides," she added, "your boyfriend is way hotter than him."

"My God!" Pixie exclaimed, her voice rising as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Besides, I wasn't going to flirt with him, I know my boundaries as a girlfriend."

"Oh, really?" Pearl sarcastically asks, raising an eyebrow at her. "I've heard you say that a billion times, and yet you still flirt or go out with guys while being in a relationship with the hottest and athletic guy in our school," she explains.

"For your information, while I was in a relationship with Clydesdale, I wasn't flirting or going out with guys," Pixie explained as she raised her hands.

"Don't even try me, Pixie; I know you; I've been by your side since we were children," Pearl said solemnly. "Don't lie to me," she added.

She asks, awkwardly laughing, "When did I ever do that?"

"You've been flirting and going out with guys since high school!" Pearl exclaimed. "You and Clydesdale have been together for four years, and you've been flirting and going out with guys for what, eight years, and he still doesn't know about it," she explained.

"OK, that was a one-time thing," Pixie said, dismissing Pearl's explanation.

"Eight years isn't a one-time thing, Pixie," Pearl said, shaking her head. "When will you change and tell your boyfriend the truth?" she inquired. "You can't keep your secret hidden forever, especially from Clydesdale," Pearl said as she walked away.

He was so surrounded by students that he ran as fast as he could until he found Alyssa exiting the ladies room. They collided, but thankfully did not collide on their backs.

Pixie shouted, "Where are you going, Pearl!? I was going to tell him!" as she caught up to Pearl and grabbed her hand. "Wait, hold on. Did that guy just grab that b*tch hand!" she exclaimed.

He grabbed her hand quickly, and as they ran and ran, they ended up in the music room.

"Here we go again," Pearl sarcastically said, her arms crossed, "why are you getting so worked up? What if he grabs Alyssa's hand?"

Pixie asked herself, "Who am I? Mad?" as she pretended to laugh. "They went inside the music room, let's go follow them," she said quickly, pulling Pearl's arm as they followed them.

"Enough, Pixie. This has to stop!" Pearl exclaimed as she let go of her hand. "I won't be following you or them because I have a class and then I'm going to see Jordan," she explained coldly. "You're on your own, sorry."

"Wait, Pearl! Don't leave me alone; I thought we were in this together; you can't just leave; I'm your best friend," Pixie yelled as she tried to catch up to her.

"Stop following me, I thought you were going to follow them; we used to be in this together, but not anymore; I'm just tired of your angry issues and lies with everyone," Pearl explained as she accelerated her pace.

"Please, Pearl. You're my only friend, and I can't find another one like you who is sweet and caring," Pixie pleaded as she reached for Pearl's arm, which she repeatedly rejected, causing Pixie to stumble and fall to her knees. Pixie sobbed in front of Pearl as she begged.

"It's too late to beg now, friendship over," Pearl said coldly, and walked away without helping Pixie.


As he peered through the door window, he hugged her tightly while covering her mouth, and when the coast was clear, he removed his hand from her mouth and apologized.

"I apologize for dragging you into this," Leif says as he bows.

"No need to apologize, are you running from girls?" Alyssa inquired, smiling.

"How did you know?" he inquires, his face already drenched in sweat.

"Here's my handkerchief to wipe off your sweat first," she said shyly as she handed him the handkerchief. "You should get used to this, especially at LMU, where all the students, especially the girls, are wiped for handsome guys like you, for example," she explained.

He replied, "Oh, so that's why they were chasing me; I should've come prepared if I was being chased by a bunch of girls today."

"Yeah, you should've. Anyways, I've got to go. I'm heading off to class. Good luck, running away from them," Alyssa said as she checked the time and was about to open the door when Leif quickly shut it. She screamed angrily, "What the hell, man!"

"I'm sorry, but I had to," he says, apologizing. "Please, help me; I'm new here and don't know what class I'm in or where I'll be staying."

"Ah, that's not a me problem; it's a you problem," she said, waving and quickly opening the door before he could close it. He then quickly followed her from behind, raising an eyebrow as she turned to face him and asked, "Are you seriously going to follow me?"

He nodded and said, "Yeah, possible."

"Well, don't. If you don't know where you're going, go ask the guards, not me," Alyssa grumbled, shrugging, "because neither do I, and I don't know much." She then waved goodbye and quickly walked away.

Leif couldn't even take a step forward because he was too stunned. When he felt a tap on his shoulder, he was startled.

He was perplexed when he turned to see who it was. "Young Master, what are you doing here?" he inquired.

"Isn't it obvious, I study here you dummy," she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Have you friended her yet?" she asks, arms crossed.

"I'm still in the process; you didn't warn me that she was so obstinate," he grumbled.

"Perhaps she's in her menstruation, which explains her stubbornness," she said, rolling her eyes. "You need to be faster, if you want your job done in tip shop shape. I want that b*tch dead A.S.A.P., got that," she said quietly, pointing at him.

"I'm doing my best, young master," he said, "but it appears that she isn't attracted to me at all."

"Well, try harder," she said coldly. "I ain't giving you your raise until I see progress," she added, crossing her arms as she walked away.

"But, young master," he quickly added, "I still don't know where I should be staying or where my class is." He shrugged his shoulders, perplexed.

"Don't worry, everything has been taken care of. Come with me, I'll show you around your dorm and tell you what class you're in; if you're lucky enough to be in my class, it'll be an added bonus for you to meet Alyssa," she said, grabbing his arm.

He asks, perplexed, "Is it okay for you to have physical contact with your butler?"

"You're not just a butler, Leif; you're more than that, and you're also the only butler I trust," she said softly, leaning against his shoulder.

He smiled and said, "Thank you, Young Master; I am honored that you trust me."

They came across Camille and Elvira as they walked through the halls, and their laughter turned to shock.

"Ooh, whose this handsome man, I see in front of me, Jelyn?" Elvira teased as she approached them, nudging Jelyn's elbow.

"Elvira, please meet Leif Halifax, and Leif, please meet my friend Elvira and Camille," Jelyn said as she introduced Leif to Elvira.

Leif bowed before kissing Elvira's hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Elvira, my lady."

"Oh, my, what a gentleman you are. It's nice to meet you, Leif," Elvira said shyly as she blushed as she curtsied to him.

"Hello, my name is Camille Cornell, and it's great to meet you, Leif," Camille said as she shook his hand.

"It's also a pleasure to meet you, Camille," Leif said as he bowed and shook her hand.

"So, where are you guys going?" Elvira inquires, her curiosity piqued.

"Oh, I was just showing Leif around campus, and we were about to go to his dorm," Jelyn explained, a fake smile on her face.

"That's fantastic, especially since LMU is so large; it's good to show him around because many new students get lost on their way to their dorms or classes," Camille agreed.

"It's a good thing I'm here to guide him because otherwise he'd get lost," Jelyn joked. "How about you guys, where are you going?" she inquired.

"We were about to head to the ladies room when we ran into you, which is why we were in such a hurry; I have to go first, I really need to pee," Elvira hurriedly said as she dashed to the ladies room, leaving Camille with Jelyn and Leif.

"I just went with her, that's all. Anyway, I have to catch up with her. I'll see you, guys," Camille said, waving back at them in a bored tone.

"Does your friends know that you're the one who killed you know who?" Leif inquired after they had left.

"No, you idiot," she said quietly. "That's why we need to keep our profile low key."

"Ah, okay. Keeping it lowkey," he said quietly as he zipped his mouth shut and threw his words.