"Oh, wait," Alyssa said as she came to a halt, "I should contact Kuya Angelo first and cancel that ice cream date." She quickly dialed Kuya Angelo's number, which he thankfully answered. "Hello, Kuya," she inquires. "Are you still in the library?"

He inquires, "Yeah, why? Is your class over?"

"I skipped class," Alyssa said nervously. "Kuya, about that ice cream later, I have to cancel it," she added.

As she heard him get up from his chair, he inquired, "Why is there something wrong? Where are you?"

"Actually, there is an emergency; Clydesdale was involved in an accident, and I'm on my way to the hospital right now," she explained, her voice trembling.

"Which hospital? I'll accompany you," Angelo says hurriedly.

As she entered the emergency room, Alyssa said, "La Meissa Medical, you can catch up because I'm already here in the emergency room."

"All right," Angelo said as he hung up the phone.


When Alyssa arrived at Medical La Meissa, she went straight to the emergency room and asked the nurse who was in the front desk for information.

"Do you have a patient named Clydesdale Lawrence? He was in a car accident earlier," Alyssa frantically asks the nurse.

"Yes, we do have a patient named Clydesdale Lawrence right behind curtain #1, and I believe he's with someone, possibly his girlfriend," the nurse explained.

Alyssa thanked the nurse and dashed over to the curtain, where she found pixie holding Clydesdale's hand while he slept soundly.

Pixie glared at her, rolling her eyes and saying, "What are you doing here?" in a huffy tone.

"Isn't it self-evident that I'm here to see Clydesdale?" Alyssa exclaimed.

"It's not like I came to see you, and you weren't the one who got into an accident," she added, rolling her eyes. "But," she murmured, "I wish you were the one who got into an accident instead of Clydesdale."

"Whatever, Clydesdale doesn't need any more visitors; all he needs is me, his girlfriend," Pixie said, crossing her arms and staring at her.

"You're his girlfriend when he's seriously hurt, but you've never really been there for him as his girlfriend," Alyssa said as she drew closer to her.

Pixie denied the fact, saying, "I've been there for him as his girlfriend on several occasions."

"No, you were never with him when he had a mental breakdown, you were never there to witness what he went through because I was the one who was there to witness and help him go through all of that," Alyssa said, her voice hushed.

"Yes, I was. You never saw it because you two weren't friends when we met; you think you know everything there is to know about him, but you don't," Pixie said angrily.

"News flash: you don't know me. You don't know Clydesdale better than I do. You don't even know why he was in this accident in the first place, so leave," Alyssa said sternly.

"Are you stupid? Of course, I know everything about him because we've been dating for four years" Pixie said. "You don't have the rights to make me leave because you're only his friend and nothing more. I have more rights than you do, so don't push it," Pixie said, glaring at Alyssa.

"You've been together for four years, but does he know you've been having an affair for eight years?" Alyssa inquires, smirking as she approaches Pixie's face.

Pixie's eyes widened as she grab Alyssa from the shoulders. "How did you know about that!"

"It appears you have a rat on your tail, and I just happen to know about your affair," Alyssa grins, arms crossed.

"Have you been spying on me? Because if you have, you should know you don't have the legal right to spy on someone because that's just creepy," Pixie said, disgusted.

"Why would I be spying on you when I already have someone going undercover for me?" Alyssa winked. "And you know who it is," she said quietly.

"It can't be her!" Pixie exclaimed, stomping her feet and raising her voice.

"Oh, yes, it's me, Pixie," Pearl said, crossing her arms.

"How could you! I trusted you! And this is how you betrayed me!" exclaimed Pixie, pointing at Pearl, who smirked.

"You deserve it, after hiding the truth from your boyfriend for twelve years, and I don't want to suffer from this toxic friendship any longer because it's giving me anxiety," Pearl continued. "That's why I decided to tell Alyssa about it, so that, she would tell Clydesdale about it, and we know that Clydesdale trust Alyssa."

"After, she told me about your huge affair with someone, I knew I had to tell Clydesdale about it because he deserved to know the truth and he deserved to have a better girlfriend" Alyssa said, her arms crossed, smirking. "If you ask how we know each other, simple, Pearl here is my cousin," she continued with an evil grin.

"Why you little snitch!" she exclaimed as she reached for Alyssa's hair, but Angelo intervened.

"Are you trying to hurt my girl!" Angelo interjected, preventing Alyssa from being slapped by the pixie hand.

Pixie glared angrily at Angelo as she struggled to free herself from his grip. "Let go of me!" she screamed.

"What if I don't want to?" he sarcastically asked, raising his eyebrow. "You were about to hurt the girl I love and you want me to let you go?" he sarcastically replied.

"I mean, you have to or else I'm calling the cops on not just you, but everyone," Pixie said calmly as she smugly looked at him.

As he let go of her hand, Angelo said with a smirk, "Go ahead, be my guest."

Pixie gave him a suspicious look as she quickly dialed 911. "Hello, police," she said innocently, "I have a bunch of punks in the emergency room at La Meissa Medical, please hurry because they're causing trouble here." With a grin on her face, she looked at them.

"Why you," Alyssa said as she was about to grab Pixie when Angelo intervened. "Leave her be, she'll come to her senses," Angelo said calmly.

"Why should we?" Alyssa asked quietly, raising her eyebrows at him. "She's calling the cops on us, do you have a plan?"

Angelo said in hushed tones, "Just wait, you'll see," he teased.

The cops arrived a few minutes later, and Pixie quickly approached them and pointed at them. The officers were taken aback when they saw who it was.

"Mr. Cole, I didn't expect you to be here," one of the officers said as he removed his Cao and shook Angelo's hand.

"Officer Huang, it's great to see you," Angelo said as he shook the officer's hand.

"Why are you shaking the hands of a punk officer? Arrest them all," Pixie grumbles as she taps her heels.

"So, this is the "punks" you were talking about?" the officer inquires, his brow furrowed.

"Obviously, he was about to hit me!" exclaimed Pixie, nodding.

Mr. Huang tapped Angelo's shoulder and said, "I beg your pardon, ma'am, but Mr. Cole doesn't hit girls; he has three older sisters whom he respects and is a gentleman."

Pixie questioned Mr.Huang, "So, just because he has three older sisters doesn't mean he can't hit other girls?"

While Pixie was arguing with the officer, Clydesdale slowly opened his eyes and reached out to hold Alyssa's arm, startling her. "Clydesdale, you're awake!" exclaimed Alyssa as she quickly hugged him.

"Ouch. Where am I? What happened?" he asks as he adjusts to a sitting position.

"Sorry, you're in the emergency room at La Meissa Medical right now, and what happened was you were in a car accident."Alyssa explained and when she called out Jordan, she looked around but he was nowhere to be found. "Where is Jordan?!" She exclaimed as she began to feel panicked.