"Whose Jordan?" Clydesdale wondered aloud, perplexed.

"You don't know your own bestfriend?" Alyssa wonders aloud. "The accident must have caused you to lose your memory, Kuya Angelo, could you please get the nurse and tell them that Clydesdale Lawrence is awake?" She ponders as she kindly orders Angelo to get the nurse. Angelo nodded and quickly went to get the nurse. Alyssa added, "But I'll tell you later once the nurse arrives, okay," as she reassured Clydesdale, who appeared to be confused.

Angelo arrived a few minutes later, trailed by Airah, and Alyssa was taken aback when she saw Airah; she quickly grabbed her arm and asked, "Your a nurse here too?"

"Correction, I'm a part-time nursing aide," Airah corrected Alyssa. "It's to add more experience to my resume, but you could say that as well."

She then used her stethoscope to check Clydesdale's heartbeat, then checked his breathing, then checked his eyes and ears with her small flashlight, and finally checked his reflexes from arms to legs. She listed everything on her clipboard after she double-checked everything. Alyssa tapped on her shoulders while Airah was busy checking Clydesdale's condition to see if he was ready to return home.

"Yes, Alyssa," Airah replied.

"Clydesdale has lost his memory; he has no recollection of his friends or even his own girlfriend," Alyssa said quietly. "The only person he remembers is me"

"Perhaps Clydesdale has a favorite memory of you, which is why you're the only person he remembers," Airah muses as she shrugs. Airah inquires, "Is there a place where the two of you treasured that moment?"

"There was a time when we used to hang out at the school garden and sat under that old cherry blossom tree, and that was something to remember," Alyssa said as she began to recall that time with him.

"Well, that explains it; the reason you're the only person he has a memory with is because that moment with you was the only time he felt at ease and happy with the person he truly loves," Airah explains as she mulls over the situation.

"Me? Clydesdale true love? Is it possible that he lost his memory as a result of the accident?" Alyssa wonders.

Her thoughts: Now's my chance to own Clydesdale, hahahaha, I knew this day would come. Not the accident, but the time when he doesn't remember pixie as his own girlfriend and instead he remembers me as his girlfriend, this will be hilarious haha.

"Yes, you as his true love and yes, it is possible that could lose their memory" Airah nodded. "In his case, it's also the same after getting into a car accident, forgetfulness is frequently experienced as a symptom of a serious head injury"Airah elaborated.

"What do you mean true love!? She isn't Clydesdale true love, I am!" Pixie exclaimed, pointing at herself with a furious expression.

With a grin, Airah asks, "If you were, why doesn't he remember you?"

Pixie noticed Alyssa's slight laugh and glared at her. Pixie's eyes blazed with rage as she prepared to pull Alyssa's hair, but Angelo intervened and gave Pixie a cold stare.

"I dare you to touch her one more time," Angelo said angrily.

"You can't hit a girl because you have three older sisters," Pixie said, a grin on her face. "And you, what do you know about true love? You're a nurse, not a fortune teller or whatever it's called; she isn't Clydesdale true love, but I am!" Pixie pointed at Airah, raising her voice at her.

"Please, calm down. All I'm saying is that Clydesdale doesn't have a good memory of you, which is why he doesn't remember. If you were his true love, he would have remembered you in seconds, but it doesn't seem like you're not his true love after all," Airah said as she tried to calm pixie down while slowly explaining Clydesdale memory.

Pixie questions, "Is there a cure or a way to get him to remember me?"

"There is, if the patient allows you to get to know you better in order to remember you, but if the patient doesn't, you'll have to work harder to earn Clydesdale's trust, loyalty, and love, which they deserve, especially you as his girlfriend," Airah explained with a shrug of her shoulders. "Another thing, as you go through the process of earning his trust, loyalty, and love, you must be honest to him. If you truly love Clydesdale" She added.

"Do I have to ask him if he'd allow me?" Pixie asks, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, I'm his girlfriend, I don't need his permissions just to get to know him better," she says, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms in a diva voice.

"Goddammit, Pixie! You have to ask him first before going through the process of being remembered by your own boyfriend" Airah said, raising her voice. "If you don't ask him, your plan won't work, and he won't remember you, at all. Is that what you want?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. "Just do as I say, and if you don't, he'll forget you even more."

Pixie wants to know, "What do I have to do for him to remember me?"

"Well, for starters, go to where you first met and see if that helps him remember you," Airah advised. "Well, I must be going. Since, I have few more patients to look after," She said as she waved goodbye.

As airah slowly closed the door, everyone nodded and waved goodbye. Everyone's attention was drawn back to Clydesdale, so Pixie dashed over to his side and linked her arms around his, which he quickly rejected.

"Why won't you link my arms, babe?" Pixie inquired, her voice sad. "It's me, your girlfriend, Pixie Ivory Leonor, remember?" she inquired awkwardly.

N: It appears that talking to him about their relationship isn't working; perhaps showing him photos of the two of them together will.

"Look, this is me and you when we went to the Maldives for your 20th birthday," Pixie said as she sat next to Clydesdale, showing him the photos. "Here's another, you took this photo of me on the beach, and this is us linking our arms while drinking. Do you remember any of this?" she inquires, her voice concerned.

Clydesdale shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't remember anything really," in a confused tone.

Pixie sighed deeply, "Why can't you remember me? Please try harder to remember me," she pleaded in a sad tone.

"I'm trying my hardest, Miss," Clydesdale said, "but I still can't remember anything."

"Remember what Airah said," Alyssa explained as she gently touched pixie's shoulder and looked at her with concern in her eyes. "You should ask him if you could help him try to remember you, but first you could try to earn his trust so that the plan will go smoothly."

Pixie nodded as she gently touched Alyssa's hand, then hugged her tightly as she mumbled "I know, we don't get along very well, but I'm thankful that Clydesdale has a friend like you" she then looked up, sniffling from slightly crying "and I want to apologise for trying to hurt you, it's okay if you don't forgive me because I deserve it" she said with an apologetic voice.

"I'm also thankful that I met him and became friends," Alyssa mumbled, "despite the fact that I've had a crush on him for about a year and a half."

"Hey, it's fine. I know girlfriends are protective of their boyfriends having a girl bestfriend, and besides, you don't have to worry because I know my limits as a friend to your boyfriend, so it's fine," Alyssa shrugged.

"Thank you for understanding, I appreciate it," Pixie sighed, hugging Alyssa once more. "You know, you're not that bad after all," Pixie joked.

"You're not that bad either, at least not at first," Alyssa admitted, laughing awkwardly.

"Oh, I'll get that as well," Alyssa suggested. "Should we order pizza as well?" she added.

"Nice pizza," Pixie exclaimed, "but what kind?" she inquired. "Pepperoni? Hawaiian? Classic?"

"How about we get pepperoni and Hawaiian pizza, then buddy pack chicken and mojos," Alyssa suggested, her face beaming.

Angelo was busy putting their order in while the two were busy suggesting what to order.

"OK, maybe that's enough; we might not get through it all," Angelo said, laughing awkwardly.

"Maybe that's enough," Alyssa added, laughing. Pixie joined in with a laugh, while Clydesdale remained perplexed as to what was going on.

After placing the order, the food arrived a few minutes later. Angelo exited the room quickly and went outside to take the order. He returned inside and entered the elevator after receiving the order. As he waited for the elevator to close, another man dressed in black entered. Angelo was unconcerned and shrugged it off.