Someone Had Been Following Me

Instead of opening the door, she leaned on the car hood beside him.

John glanced at her then looked up at the sky before answering. "The first time I met you, I didn't see your face but I caught a whiff of your scent. I don't know if it's your perfume or what but it gives me a familiar feeling that I can't point out."

"You are indeed weird." Eva laughed faintly at him. John let out a low chuckle while taking a glance at her from time to time.

"Thank you for having dinner with me," he spoke to her softly.

"Thanks for helping me with my work." Eva also expressed her gratitude to him.

If possible, he want to stop the time and just stay with her but fate wasn't really helping him.

Eva whipped her head abruptly and looked around her. He also felt that someone had been watching them.

"Is something wrong?" he asked her to confirm his guess.

"I just feel that someone's been following me lately," she confessed to him without any care.