Avoid Heels

He has just gotten there when Eva came out of Dr. Suarez's office. His mind went blank seeing her happy face looking into the envelope. He forgot to call her out.

Eva made it back to her car without any delay. She opened the door and got inside, fastened her seatbelt and drove the car to the nearest bookstore in the area.

"Hi. Where can I find the books for pregnancy?" Eva asked the lady at the counter.

"Shelves 13 and 14 on the right side of the aisle." the lady answered and went back to her work.

Eva walked slowly and looked around to find the aisle number. It was located in the middle area and there were several women with their husbands or partners looking for books with them.

Eva started looking for books, too. She picked up some books, read the title, flipped through pages and returned them. She did the same process over and over again for some books. Those that she thought were better and sensible were placed in her basket.