His Mind Formulated Questions

His mind formulated questions that nobody can answer but the woman he was looking for.

"Do you know where she lives? The place I know that she used to stay mentioned that she moved." It was a lie. If a lie can help him get the information he would do it but it was still pointless.

"Nope. No one here knows where she and Miss Merry lives. But we know that they live together." she responded to him before entertaining another customer.

He left defeated. He was never this disappointed and afraid in his whole life. The last time he was afraid was when the little girl he used to bully left him but it was not the same intensity.

This time his heart was ripped open. His fear was beyond what he could imagine. He had this feeling that if he let go of her, he will never find her in this lifetime.

"Where the hell are you?" he gripped his hair from frustration while kicking the wheel of his car.
