Where's She?

"Sorry." that's all she could say.

When John calmed down, he ushered her back to his car. Brown was all set with his pieces of equipment to check on her.

She looked back to the cabin where the yellow tape was being used to cordon the place. It was a messy sight compared to the first time she arrived there.

When she turned around to face John, she saw his face getting closer to her. His lips were just a few inches away from her which made her tremble in her place.

'What the hell is he trying to do?!'

Eva's eyes widened when his lips touched her face, he looked like he wanted to say something but he slowly closed his eyes and leaned on her.

"John?" she called out to him softly as she pat his back but there was no response, only his faint breathing was audible in her ears.

She turned her head from side to side to see anyone who can help her. Brown, who saw what happened outside the car, was startled. He immediately got out and helped her.