Your Choice Is, Mine

He opened Google and typed.

'Tell me, Things to do while shopping with a loved one.'

He got several results and he read them one by one carefully, he nodded at every one of them, keeping those in his mind while staring at the angel with a smiling face, he also realized that this was what people called a date, specifically a shopping date, so we are on a date, he thought happily.

Imaginary flowers bloomed around him, he felt rainbow colours around him.

We are on a shopping date...A date with my favourite woman.

Angel was finally done choosing her trolley, after 15 minutes.

"Let's take this one. It has a violet handle. I like violet a lot, and it looks more pretty than others."

Henry mentally made a note of it, her favourite colour is violet.

"Sorry Boss I took so long just for a trolley…" she was embarrassed.