Unwrapped Her Towel

At most during sex, men try to prepare their women so it would hurt less, But to question how nature was unfair and express how men should equally be hurt was something she never imagined any man would think of, my charming prince was sulking right now because sex would be painless to him, he really cared her a lot, no doubt.

Has any man on this planet ever felt sad because sex would be painless to him, oh my God,

"I may really sound cheesy with this, but please stop saying such sweet things that will get me diabetes, try to understand Boss," She sobbed.

He looked at her questioningly, "You are healthy, you won't get diabetes," he patted her cheek.

With your words, I seriously doubt it,,

She pressed her brows, "How can a man be?, I have no words to express, But Boss, trust me," she blushed a little, "will be fine, Don't think so much about it."

He narrowed his eyes and sat up on the bed, she got confused, "What are you doing?"