She Jumped Into His Arms

"You're up," She coughed and quickly wiped her saliva, she patted the edge of the bed angrily, "Sit, There is something I want to discuss with you," Mr Hanrey sat obediently beside her, staring at her intently, "what it is?" "I want to hear your opinion, who is my first target, legalist, take care?"

She looked at him helplessly, with piercing eyes, expecting his precious advice, he nodded affectionately. "I have no idea," You do not know? "What do you mean?" he said, "I don't know," Her mouth twitched, "No, what I mean is, among the family members here, who are more likely to be influenced?"

His brows frowned into a deep frown as if he were deep in thought, she expects that this time, she will finally get the answer, But time passed by, and he didn't speak, She coughed, "That's your family, You have to know what they like, what they don't like or how they behave?" he stared at her, "I do not."