Can We Do Another Round Of Our Nightly Activities?

Which is why I always wake up before you. You're not the only one in her relationship."

She sat back on the bed and got under the blankets. Her back was already hurting so badly that she couldn't take it anymore. She sniffled and wanted to cry again.

He looked at her and sighed heavily. Even if she's angry and cries easily, she's easy to soothe as long as she senses your sincerity.

"Are you really going to marry me? You're not kidding, are you?" he asked her something, and she nodded in confirmation. He slid under the blanket with her and hugged her around the waist.

"Sorry for judging you," she murmured as she wiped away her tears. "Sorry for getting emotional. Sorry for being too sensitive."

"I already told you, it's okay, I get it, no need to apologize." He whispered to her as he kissed her head.

"Are you going to register our marriage first?" She turned to face him. "Weddings require planning, but registration is always possible."