Not A Plan

His facial expressions mirror hers. While looking forward to someone's arrival, he was nervous. "Eva, can I talk to you soon?" He said, causing the three of them to raise their eyebrows. "Must be." She looked at him with pleasure, as if she knew he would ask her for help. "Go over there and talk."

"Why are you keeping it a secret?" Beth yelled at them, but he just gave them the middle finger. John just smiled. "It appears he has found a new ally," he said. "Are we that unreliable in his eyes?" she sulks like she's been abandoned forever.

"No, but we always sabotage his plans and make fun of him. "Brown admits that this makes her and John grin. They have nothing to refute this claim. When Eva and Brown were far enough apart to have a secret conversation, she turned to him, watching her curiously.