
"Ah... ah..." "Tom, what happened to your cheek?" She pretended to be terrified. "Mom, it hurts..." she sobbed.

Angel tilted her head. How to do? His eyes widened. "What happened?" "Look at Tom, her face hurts, it must be the reason for the makeup remover, I got it." She glared at Angel. "What did you do to my daughter? You promised us nothing would happen but look. Her cheek hurts like hell."

" hurts..." She finally understood her mother's plan to cheat Angel. "You promised to be responsible." She was stunned. "What the hell? Can you stop making trouble?" "Brother, how can you say that..." Kan cried.

She pointed at Angel. "She is right. You have to pay the price for hurting my daughter. You did it on purpose, right?" The thugs had the urge to kill him.