Her Bare Breasts Bouncing Against His Bare Chest

He turned on the shower faucet and poured warm water over them. Drops of water kissed her shoulders and slid down her chest and waist. His body was attached to her slender body, his arms were around her waist, and his lips were attached to hers.

His tongue pried open her mouth, eager to get in, and their lips fused endlessly and eagerly. After kissing like this for a long time, both of them felt out of breath, but couldn't extricate themselves. They crave it more and more until it becomes unbearable.

The intimate nakedness of her breasts bouncing against his chest made him shudder. He accidentally bit her lip hard in the turmoil of emotion. When it stings slightly, she cries, but she ignores it. A faint metallic taste fell on his tongue, and he froze.

He hurriedly separated and saw a small gash at the corner of her lips. "You, you are hurt..."
