You tricked me

After the car door unlocked, the women swiftly entered the car. When Chu Xuan could finally see the face of the person he was thoroughly shocked. This person was none other than the Du Xinye, the heroine with the template of a doctor. Seeing this Chu Xuan's thoughts were totally chaotic thinking of what was she doing here?

[What the hell is Du Xinye doing in my car.]

[How did her car down now and she just had to ask for lift from all the people only me?]

[She should be healing Lin Hao's wounds right now. After seeing his six pack abs and perfect body shouldn't she be drooling.]

[The princess of Du family has a special hobby, she has a thing for guys with abs.]

According to the plot Du Xinye should be driving on her way back home from the hospital when her car accidentally hits Lin Hao who was already wounded. Seeing his stab wound she would take him in her car back to the hospital where while stitching the cut marks she could see and feel his well toned and built body. This started arousing her interest in him. How could this all go unnoticed from the eyes of the protagonist. He quickly planned of bringing her into his harem after seeing her medical skills which were top notch, second only to his none and how could he not be interested in a beauty like her.

This way the protagonist gets a new harem member, personal doctor and an Ancient Medical family backer but that all is the later part of the story of the novel. But now she was here with Chu Xuan so how could Lin Hao meet her. Chu Xuan was also quick witted and started thinking of ways.

Du Xinye on the side was fuming with anger thinking, 'How could I drool over someone like that and why would I treat a murderer like him?' 'And stop thinking such embarrassing things about me!' She just saw Lin Hao come out with blood all over his coat dying the white color in blood red and from Chu Xuan's voice he definitely murdered someone just now. She could never like someone who could murder in cold blood.

When she started hearing Chu Xuan's voice she tried to tell others but couldn't and only understand that this is a novel world. She was curious to know what kind of plot she had and how will she act and could see that Chu Xuan knows everything. Meeting him was just a coincident as she just thought of taking a shortcut on her way back home and was lucky enough to see Chu Xuan's car parked here. She already knew his car number from the day he visited the hospital and ran away from her.

She tricked him into letting him into his car and thought she might get some good info out of him. But here he was just complaining about her in his heart. So she thought of playing the role of an innocent and ignorant women.

"Thank you for your help. My house is nearby only."

"I know a lot about cars. If you want I could fix it for you?" Chu Xuan just wanted her to leave his car so he could run away from here.

"So sorry but you won't be able to fix the car."

"No no don't worry I know how to fix it. And I have already called a mechanic over."

After few minutes of here and there Chu Xuan finally gave up and started the car and asked her for her address, "So where is your house?"

"4th house on the Church street." Du Xinye casually replied keeping her eyes on him.

After a few minutes of awkwardness Chu Xuan broke the silence by saying, "Aren't you afraid that a lonely woman in a car with a man while driving on such a deserted road will be taken advantage of?"

Du Xinye didn't reply instead she took out a scalpel from her bag. From the looks of it looked sharp enough to slit anyone's throat with just a light touch. She pointed it at his neck and asked, "You can try and get to know yourself." Her eyes looked deadly as if it was eying its prey.

Chu Xuan just laughed and didn't even care that she pointed a scalpel at him. He was amused after seeing her actions. It was as if he was not afraid that she might harm him or she cannot harm him.

[Hahahaha sure enough this is the real Du Xinye.]

[Don't go by her pretty looks and delicate body, she might slit your throat the next second with her favorite weapon, a scalpel.]

[The author also made such a ironic character that professionally may be a doctor but deep inside she has hidden murderous intents and carries a custom scalpel set with her.]

[She may have not killed yet and only practiced of dead bodies but she also is a martial artist so don't provoke her.]

[And for the record you cannot penetrate my body as I have the Vajra Indestructible Body.]

Du Xinye froze when she heard everything. Yes she has been keeping her thoughts of killing a secret. No one knew about this even her parents or anyone else for the matter. She as a doctor has taken an oath to save lives but ironically she wants to take them instead. She doesn't hate being a doctor heck she loves it but these murderous intents keep on filling her mind.

"What's so funny?" Du Xinye lashed out at Chu Xuan who was still laughing.

Chu Xuan just shrugged and said, "Nothing just remembered something funny that's it. Anyhow by chance are you a doctor or what?"

'Asshole if you know it then why are you even asking?' Du Xinye was so angry that she wanted to hit but somehow controlled herself and just said, "yes you can drop me here my house is nearby only and the rain has also stopped." Chu Xuan stopped the car by the side and dropped her as it stopped raining a few minutes back.

While leaving he looked at her and shouted, "At least thank me for the ride.". She gritted her teeth and said, "Thank you" without turning back and leaving him behind. Chu Xuan also turned and went for his home.

Du Xinye was clenching her fist in anger. For some reason she couldn't keep her cool when she was with him. It was like her secrets were naked Infront of him which was actually true. She stomped her feet in frustration as she couldn't get any information about her plot.

Back in the alleyway Lin Hao was bleeding profusely and staggering on his way. Suddenly a car passed by on the road. He quickly stopped the car and threw out the driver and stole it. He couldn't directly go to a hospital as they would question him how did he get stabbed and he had no way to answer that. So he ditched the car somewhere and went to his apartment to somehow stitch up his wounds himself.

Due to the stabbed wound being on the back, he couldn't stich it properly. With the help of Secret Yang Art in circulation he must get back to being normal in a week or so.