Strange behaviour

[Good Morning host]

With the sound of the system like an alarm Chu Xuan woke looking as handsome as ever even with messy hair. It can be said that many girls would line up to see this.

"Morning system." Chu Xuan said with some sadness as yesterdays plot didn't went too smoothly and he didn't know what the situation was. He asked the system but it said as long as the main essence is not changed it can be considered as plot completion. With that in mind he began his day, "System sign-in for me"


[Sign-in successful. Congratulations to the host for getting Black Rose Group and Charm +30]

He saw the rewards and was not moved as the system before also gave him all kinds of things and this was normal for him. The company would automatically appear with it has loyal employees whom you don't even need to manage and they do their work sincerely and send money to him. This kinds of things will be auto adjusted as they were already there from the past.

[Now that I recall the plot I have not visited that iceberg of a president.]

[Hahaha She must be happy I didn't visit her these days but today I will come to you with a bouquet to propose again to be rejected at the door only.]

[In the original text I had bought special imported rose for you which you rejected and threw it in the trash.]

[And funnily the same bouquet was picked by the protagonist that you happily accepted.]

[I guess I will just buy some cheap roses at the roadside stand if its just gonna be rejected anyway.]

With an optimistic mind Chu Xuan readied himself and drove out.

In the Su Company, Su Qingyue was panicking while blushing for some reason. She just got to hear that Chu Xuan is coming here to propose as for about Lin Hao it was naturally ignored. She was pacing back and forth. She was interrupted by a knock on the door and her secretary came in. Seeing her president in this state she started thinking what exactly happened to her.

Seeing her secretary Su Qingyue quickly asked, "Is my makeup okay? Is this dress looking good? Should I change it to something else?" Listening to her questions the secretary was even more confused. Her president never cared about such little things even meeting a big shot for a business meet.

How could the secretary understand the thoughts of Su Qingyue. Obviously she was going to accept the flowers but was confused about the proposal part. After having those weird dreams almost everyday she started harboring weird feelings. She could feel that these were her feelings but not at the same time not. She missed not seeing Chu Xuan for days as he before she started hearing his heartfelt voice he would come to pester her everyday. Now that he was coming how could she not be excited?

After few minutes Chu Xuan also arrived at the Su group. The security was already familiar with him so they let him inside without saying anything. They also know that they were of not on the same level as the heir of Chu family. Chu Xuan today was wearing an all white suit today, when he got out of his Maybach all eyes were on him. The charm of Chu Xuan is not something anyone can bear it after seeing him dressed up like that. To many young girls he was like a charming prince coming on a white horse to take them away. But alas all their fantasies were left just like that as they knew who the bouquet was for.

Chu Xuan was going to ask the receptionist if Su Qingyue was in her office or not. As he was walking the elevator door opened and Su Qingyue came out with her secretary. Seeing her Chu Xuan showed his infatuated smile and eyes flowing with love. If it was any other girl she might have said yes to him long ago. Sadly or not Su Qingyue knew the reality behind the things. He is just here to act, maybe he really liked her but gave up after seeing her unwavering attitude.

Su Qingyue still without being bothered moved towards him. As Chu Xuan was 3 metres away from her he quickly took the flowers and said affectionately, "Qingyue did you miss me? you see these flowers I specially ordered them for you. I love you so much Qingyue. Are you really not moved by me now?" It was so real that no actor could be compared to him.

[Okay quickly take and throw this so I can be done for the day.]

[Today is a nice day, I should go and visit some pretty big sisters at the club, they must be lonely without me.]

Su Qingyue was really angry now and she wanted to shout, 'I was almost fooled by you today. You really have some ability to speak something and think something entirely different.' But she kept her cool and with a smile and went to take the flowers.

[Yes, just like this and]

Chu Xuan was left astounded as Su Qingyue took the flowers and smelled it bit and said, "Chu xuan thank you for the flowers. These are really fresh and beautiful. I will take proper care of it." Chu Xuan didn't move for a good minute before slowly trying to say, "Do you really like them?"

This time he sounded a bit different and Su Qingyue knew this must be his real self coming out due to shock. She really wanted to see more of the real him. Chu Xuan recovered instantly as he said with the same previous infatuated smile, "So do really love me now too?" The joy was eminent in his voice.

"Not yet but we can start by being friends and slowly see how things go." This time not only Chu Xuan but her secretary was shocked. This was first time she saw her president accept things from him and even talk to him so nicely.

Chu Xuan on side didn't want to stay any longer as couldn't understand what just happened. So he said, "Okay lets meet soon Qingyue. I will really make you fall for me for real." before running away as he had some very important work to at home.

"Bye come meet me soon." Su Qingyue also teased him a little as she found his reactions funny. She went back to her office and asked the secretary to put the roses in a vase in her office.

"I have already been injured twice after I came here." Lin Hao was having a bad day as after arriving at Yanjing he never had a peaceful day and always had incoming trouble instead of pretending of being high and mighty. He was planning on starting the plan he had on Su Qingyue so he came all dressed up today. The security also didn't insult him at the door. If you dress properly and not like a hooligan no one will think bad of you.

Lin Hao easily entered the building as he found the receptionist. As being a mercenary abroad he needs to have good communication skills to perform at a job. He quickly asked her about Su Qingyue. No matter who you are if you want to meet the President you need to take an appointment before hand. But with Lin Hao's persuasion skills and protagonist's halo she called the secretary to inform about a visitor.

As soon as she said the name of the visitor she was asked to immediately reject him and ask the security to send him away. Su Qingye knew this guy might come look for her but she informed her secretary to immediately reject anyone who come with the same name or description. Yu can never be too cautious.

At this moment a beautiful woman was also going inside the lift.