Chapter 8 : Little dove

Flora drove through the gates of OU and down the road lit with street lights towards the dormitories.

"I don't get it, why is she living on campus," Flora commented, "no one lives on campus, it's a pigsty here."

"It's that building on the right," Tekos pointed at the dormitory block not too far from them. "You can park by the street light over there."

Flora parked under a streetlight and turned to her lavishly dressed friend. "The last time I saw you dress this fancy was at prom, you must really like this girl."

"I wouldn't say I like her," Tekos respond while inspecting himself in the side mirror, "I just want to get to know her that's all." He then turned to Flora and gave her a questioning look, "are you sure you don't want to come to the party?"

"And meet your crazy ex girlfriend? I'll pass, last time me and Arethusa were in the same room I was this close to ripping her extensions out."

Tekos shook his head and stepped out of the vehicle, "your loss. I'll be right back."

"Go get your woman Tekos!"

The satyr gave Flora a thumbs up before walking into Eris and Persephone's building. As he walked to the elevator he started to feel a little nervous, Persephone was a very pretty girl, and like all satyrs, Tekos had a hard time being around very pretty girls.

Unlike what people perceived satyrs to be, total hornballs who couldn't control their carnal excitement, satyrs were just built to be a lot more susceptible to arousal than other beings. It was a genetic issue not some perverse antic. This was the reason very few satyrs mingled around, they mostly kept to their own kind in their own secluded little communities. But that's not the kind of life Tekos wanted, locked away from everyone else, it just wasn't him.

When the elevator reached Persephone and Eris' floor, Tekos pulled out a bottle of pills from his jacket and popped one in his mouth. He had already taken his erectile suppressant pills before he left the house, but he decided to take another just in case, he didn't want Persephone thinking he was some sort of pervert if she ended up looking too good.

The satyr made his way down the hallway to room number thirty three, this was it, this was Persephone's room. Tekos took a deep breath before stretching his arm out and knocking lightly at the door. He had barely gotten two knocks in when the door opened and Eris' grinning face came into view.

"Tekos you're here." Eris turned around and called to her roommate, "Persephone hurry up it's Tekos!"

"Just give me a minute I'll be right out!"

The goth goddess walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, "she's having a bad hair day."

"Oh.." Tekos took one glance at Eris and immediately averted his gaze, why did her dress have to show so much cleavage?! "You look nice," he muttered and tried to divert his thoughts to something else, anything else.

"Thank you! You don't look to bad yourself, I love the jacket."

"Thank you," he responded while nervously scratching the back of his head. He made a mental note to avoid looking at any part of Eris except her face.

A few moments later, the door to the two girls' room opened and Persephone walked out with a pouting face. "It's no use, I couldn't get my hair into a bun. You guys should just go on without me."

Tekos' eyes moved from the top of Persephone's head all the way down to her feet. Forget not looking at Eris, it's Persephone who would torture him this night!

The young goddess was wearing a long body hugging dress with long sleeves, a keyhole neckline and a long slit on its side that generously displayed her smooth right leg. Her feet were adorned in black stilettos and she carried a small golden clutch bag. Even the hair that she was complaining about looked absolutely breathtaking, flowing freely down her delicate shoulders and arched back.

"No way!" Eris responded, "this is the biggest party of the century, no way I'm living you behind."

"But my hair," Persephone whined. The pout on her face made Tekos want to reach for his pills a third time, but that would probably kill him.

"Your hair looks fine," Eris insisted. She then turned to Tekos and gave him a nudge, "tell her she looks fine."

Through her thick lashes Tekos could see Persephone's blue eyes pleading for reassurance. Why in Gaia's good name was she so cute?!

"You look really great.." Tekos was jittery as he spoke, how could a being be this effortlessly appealing?

"Really? You're not just saying that to make me feel better are you?"

"No of course not!" Tekos assured the beautiful goddess, "you will probably be the most beautiful being at that party."

Persephone's face lit up and a big pink flower materialized in her hair, "thank you."


"Hades!" Poseidon rushed to his brother and pulled him him in for a hug. Hades who wasn't accustomed to physical affection merely just pursed his lips and stood there like a statue until Poseidon relinquished him.

"And who is this lovely lady?" Poseidon asked as he took Melia's hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Brother this is-"

"Melia. Melia siren of the river styx, I'm sure you've heard of me," Melia interrupted.

"Oh, no actually I don't think I've heard of you," Poseidon responded while give his brother a concerned look. "But please enjoy the festivities."

Melia nodded and made her way to the bar with her nose up in the air. When she was out of sight Poseidon turned to Hades and furrowed his brows.

"Look she's a nice girl once you get to know her," Hades defended himself. "She just has a rather strong personality."

Poseidon pulled out his phone and flashed it to Hades. On the screen was Melia's profile for an 'only fans page', the pictures on there were very unseemly to say the least. "Next time you bring a pretend girlfriend to my wife's party at least make sure she's not a pornstar."

The taunting smile tugging Poseidon's lips made Hade cup his face in embarrassment, "it was last minute, I didn't have much of a choice- wait, why are you subscribed to her only fans-"

"Oooh Hey here comes zues!" Poseidon yelled so as to quickly change the subject.

Hades looked ahead and sighed as he saw his brother Zeus walking towards them with his wife Hera in hand.

"Poseidon good to see you," Hera greeted the party host, "where is Amphitrite, I got her a little something for the big day."

"Oh she's over at the bar with the rest of the women, you can go join her and catch up," Poseidon replied.

Hera then turned to Hades and gave him an amused smile, "and look what the three headed dog drugged in. Hades you should really go out more, your skin looks terrible."

"Hello Hera good to see you too," Hades responded not wanting to responded to the obvious jab at his slightly blue skin.

"Well I'll let you boys catch up," Hera spoke before patting her cheek with her finger gesturing Zeus to kiss it. When the god obliged, she gave the three brothers one last wave before heading to the bar.

"So hades," Zeus muttered while patting his brother's shoulder, "I heard you brought a porn star to the party."

Hades jerked his head back in surprise "how did you-" he then turned to Poseidon who was smiling sheepishly at him. "You two won't let me live this down will you?"

Zeus put an arm over each of his brother's shoulders and smiled broadly, "no we will not. But I've told you before Hades, let my wife help you, she is the goddess of marriage after all."

"I don't need assistance in finding a wife thank you very much," Hades responded, "the king of the underworld in an arranged marriage? How laughable."

"Well you don't have many choices left you know," Poseidon pointed out, "it's not like your soulmate will just walk through those doors."

In that very moment, the large double doors at the other end of hall opened, when Eris and Persephone walked in, the three brothers gawked at the two young women shamelessly. Hades and his brothers were not the only ones who took notice of the beauty who had just arrived, it seemed the entire place paused for just a brief moment and glanced at her.

"Holy Hera who is that?" Zeus mumbled unable to peel his eyes away from the young goddess.

Hades recognized her instantly, she was the same girl he had bumped into the other day on his way to the gym, who was this mysterious little dove?