Chapter 9 : The party

The eyes of the attendants of the party, were practically drilling holes in the back of Persephone's head as she walked slowly by Eris' side towards a secluded table surrounded with chase lounge chairs.

"Umm is it just me, or is everyone staring at us," the young goddess mumbled under her breath. She could see every person they walked by taking not one, but two glance at them.

"Oh no Persie they're not staring at us, they're staring at you!" Eris exclaimed with a menacing grin on her face.

"What..?" Persephone sunk into a chair and tiny little flowers of nervousness began to pop up in her hair, "it's because of my messy hair isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have come."

"Hair?!" Eris inched towards her friend and poked her bosom lightly, "they're lookin at your smoking body, why in the world were you hiding those curves I mean look at you!"

Persephone's face reddened and she sunk deeper into the chair, "everyone is staring at my body? That makes me a little uncomfortable."

Tekos put a friendly hand on Persephone's shoulder and smiled at her, "we can just lay low here if you like, we'll be far from prying eyes in this spot," he spoke. His bright smile and chipper demeanor helped the young goddess to calm down. "Why don't I get us some drinks?" Tekos offered.

"A Martini for me please," Eris announced almost instantly, but took back her words when she caught sight of the open bar with a fountain of champagne and very attractive bartender behind it. "On second thought," Eris muttered while standing up, "I'll get that drink myself."

Tekos watched Eris walk to the bar before he turned to Persephone's who was playing with her hair nervously, "what about you Persephone? What's your poison?"

"Poison?! I don't have any poison!"

Tekos chuckled at her obliviousness, she was so clueless it was adorable. "I mean what are you drinking?"

"Oh no alcohol for me," Persephone responded, "I umm, I have an allergy." The goddess cursed inwardly, an allergy? Really? Couldn't she think of anything else? Well she most definitely couldn't tell Tekos that she had never taken any alcohol before and that she promised her mother she wouldn't, he would think she was immature and unmodernized.

"You have an alcohol allergy? That's crazy, I'm so sorry," Tekos responded before patting Persephone's shoulder, "don't worry, I think I have the perfect drink in mind for you."

In one corner of the bar, Melia glanced at Tekos who had just ordered two drinks and walked back the the red haired goddess who had everyone at the party talking.

"Hey, is that Tekos' new girlfriend?" Melia asked her friend Arethusa who was glaring daggers at Tekos and aggressively sipping her drink. "She's really pretty."

"Don't you think I can see that Melia?!" Arethusa hissed making her friend raise her brows.

"I'm sorry I was just trying to make conversation."

"Can't you go converse with your date Hades?!" Arethusa was boiling at the core as she watched Persephone sip her drink and mutter something excitedly to Tekos, who responded with an equal amount of glee.

"If you still like him then why did you break up with him?" Melia inquired, because from what she could remember Arethusa was head over heels in love with Tekos. She kept bragging about how sweet and caring he was, and she especially loved to brag about how much he pleased her in the bedroom. But one day out of the blues, she just stopped talking about him, and when Melia tried to inquire all Arethusa said was that she broke up with him for personal reasons.

"Look I'm not here to upraise Tekos and his date, I'm here to drink and have fun!" Arethusa shoved her empty glass at the bartender and yelled, "keep them coming!"

Back on the lounge chair Persephone was enjoying her drink, "it's so sweet and bubbly," she cooed in happiness. "I love it, it's officially my favorite drink.. umm what is it called again?"

"A virgin mojito," he responded with a broad smile. He was really enjoying spending time with Persephone, she was so innocent and pure. Even though she was an absolute babe, her naive personality made him very comfortable around her.

After Persephone finished her drink she looked around the hall curiously, "hey, where did Eris go? She promised to be by my side tonight in case of anything."

Tekos pointed to the dance floor where Eris had her head buried in the chest of one of the handsome bartenders, while they swayed slowly to the music. "I think Eris is a little occupied," Tekos responded, "but don't worry, I can be by your side until she gets back okay?"

Persephone nodded slowly and sunk into her chair, were parties supposed to be this awkward? She had been here for less than an hour and she already wanted to go home.

Tekos glance at Persephone and drew a quick breath. Come on Tekos just ask her, the worst she can do is say no, he thought to himself. When Persephone glanced up at the Satyr he quickly looked away and gulped. Come on Tekos don't be such a whimp!

After gathering every ounce of courage in his body, he turned to Persephone and in a very cacophony voice spoke, "Persephone, would you like to dance-"

Suddenly a woman stood in front of Tekos and smiled broadly at him, cutting his statement short. It was his ex, Arethusa, and she was very drunk. "Tekos! Fancy seeing you here with another woman!"

The satyr gasped at her words and immediately got to his feet, "what are you doing? You're drunk, go home!" He chided her in hushed tones.

"Only after you dance with me," Arethusa responded in a slurred tone as she reached for his arms.

Tekos grabbed both her wrists and gave her a dismissive look, "Arethusa go home, you're very drunk."

"You can go dance with her Tekos I don't mind."

Both Tekos and Arethusa turned to Persephone and stared at her in surprise. "But Persephone I promised to-"

"It's alright, I'll be here when you get back," Persephone spoke with a sheepish smile, "I mean what's the worst that could happen? It's not like someone will kidnap me in front of all these people."

"You see! Your date said she's okay with it!"

Tekos sighed before nodding, "alright, but please stay right here okay, I'll be right back." The Satyr grabbed Arethusa' arm and dragged her to the dance floor.

"Don't be so rough Tekos people are watching," the nymph chuckled sarcastically.

"After this dance you're going on water therapy and then straight home!"

Persephone sighed and sunk back into the chair. With Eris gone and now Tekos, she had no idea what to do.

"Hello there little dove.."

Persephone glance up at who was producing such a deep and authoritative voice. Her eyes widened for a brief moment when she caught sight of the crimson eyes that were concealed behind a pair of glasses.

"Hades.." she gasped.

"Oh, so you know of me?" Hades responded and placed one leg over the other.

"We met," Persephone responded nervously, "the other day by the gym."

"Ah yes, I accidentally bumped into you, sorry about that."

The goddess shook her head, "no please don't apologize, it was just an accident. Beside, due to my height I actually get bumped into more times than you think."

Hades scoffed, wait, had she just made him laugh? He had no idea women could be intentionally funny. "Well then you must be grateful for your voluminous red locks, they really make you stand out. Maybe if you let your hair down more, people would stop bumping into you."

Persephone pat her hair and chuckled, "Yhup, it's my own little stop sign."

There it was again, she made him scoff in amusement at will, wow she was good.

"Did you need anything?" The goddess insured, she couldn't think of a reason the king of the underworld would want to interact with her of all people at a party.

Hades looked up at Persephone who was giving him a questioning look. So in addition to big beautiful red hair, she had big blue eyes as well? There was no way no one had ever noticed this woman around Olympus before. "Well actually I do.." Hades responded flatly.

"What is it?"

Hades leaned forward and flashed his slightly fanged pearly whites in a conniving smile. "I am here to kidnap you."