The Terrorizing Occurrence

   All these works being done by Simoun is looking undeniably worth of time - it looks good. This project was started and planned three weeks ago and in instance, it looks good already! Though it is not completely finished, one may presumably be able to depict the sense of the project. As Simoun roams around their mega underground-basement, he happens to reflect what this and that would ultimately look like in final.

  After the ample perusal of his developing project, he called Sonn to look and judge his progress. Sonn went down using the built-under elevator, made possible by using water and magma block and soul-sand. The magma block pulls a matter (such as a person) down and the soul-sand lift a matter up to the ground.

   "Woah!" Initially expressed by Sonn, looking really astonished, running around.

   The project looks really nice. It is scalar. The materials used are merely made of stones and metals which were so just obtained from the very underground.

   "Since this project is built underground, I happen to get a lot of stones and I decided to use them... as materials for this very project. I made stone bricks and polished stones from them." Simoun expressed in narrative. He wholly explicits the idea of the project. "There are one, two three...", (As he counts)... "seven rectangular rooms and one scalar lobby here. Where we are at is the rectangular lobby where the elevator is located and that is the wide square lobby. Here and there we have the stairs..." He explained this and that. "I have also decided to shift our Nether Portal there so as to make it our official laboratory wherein we can perform various studies." Simoun added.

  As Sonn is listening to Simoun's chatters, he is also roaming to apply the speaker's words on the project. Thus, making him carefully comprehend the project. Sonn replied, 'I see', 'I understand', 'That is nice' - which are words of an indifferent listener.

   They were at the last room, the laboratory, and Simoun briefly introduced to Sonn where the portal is going to be. As for Simoun's plan, the portal will be put in the middle of the opposite wall - making it already visible as soon as one landed from the elevator. As they are under a serious observation on the project, Simoun concluded to fetch his book plan which he left on the table (in their main-house) to see how conformed the project is to the plan.

   "I am pretty sure this goes with your plan, Brother. It looks very great." Said Sonn.

   "We, however, must be ascertained if it really is. I will go up to ground and fetch the book. Stay here." Simoun then hastened to get the book he is referring to.

   The underground basement is accessed through an elevator which is a remarkably, folly weird hole [and as we have narrated] filled with water that is powered by soul-sand and magma block - making the passer able to breath and be dry all through out. There are two passages - from ground to underground and vice versa. For now, the elevator is not yet designed to say that that is 'the definite passage' to access the underground-basement. We will not deeply elaborate how it looks by now but i will pronounce it as 'weird hole filled with an activated water'.

  And as it happened, Simoun soaked himself to the water-powered elevator. . . several seconds would have to pass before a person floats to the ground. . . He then soaked off the water. . .To his great terror, as soon as he floated to ground and get himself off the water, something alarming met him which paralyzed his body - as he was tremendously horrified from what he is witnessing. . . horrified that he can't move, which coldness is travelling from his heart to spine. . .

  At that moment, the underground-basement's torches ran out of fuel making Sonn have to follow his brother. It's too dark now and he can only eye the ample sun rays (since the sun was just about to set). Passing from the water-powered elevator, he then followed his brother, soaked himself and get up the ground. As soon as he was there floating, he forcefully hold himself up by the grass and there he stood. He stood seeing Simoun terrorized which in his also great surprise. . .

  "Kublai!" Sonn ran to their main-home to fetch something. Kublai, the head-villager, was dreadfully drowning (I lost track and forgot to tell that there was a mini pond in front of their main-home. It is surrounded by fences, though, making it puzzling why Kublai fell. But that is a different matter and let us see what will happen)! Simoun stood still in horror, aggravating and seems in reluctance to move. He composed himself down the ground, fell, seated in terror - as if there was a colliding trepidation eating his capability to move. Simoun, MOVE! Kublai is drowning! The sun has set and the villagers, as always, were already locked-up.

  Sonn got out from the main-house getting nothing. He found nothing. One may believe that he is supposed to fetch something to save Kublai.

  "Brother, please save him! You know i can't swim! You can swim!" Unfortunately, Sonn is incapable of swimming. Sonn could've just grab a leash to save him but he was in buzzing and frightening adrenaline in which he cannot decide what to do.

   He is in weary witnessing Kublai gradually losing his life. Until that he can't help the urge further. . . Sonn jumped trying to save Kublai. But they both ended up drowning still. In Simoun's petrified and scared sentiments, he immediately jumped to save them. . . It was all late and so in really bad timing, the villagers just heard and have been riveted to navigate where is the dreadful sensation of noises coming.

   Simoun happen to drag them both off the water. Kublai was unresponsive while Sonn is dreadfully crying. Kublai is visually old and is living alone. And at last, it is in sadness to say that Kublai, the head-villager, has died.

   "This is all your fault! Your cowardice killed him! You could've saved him... But no! You just watched him in his tragedy!" Cried Sonn hugging Kublai. Sonn and Kublai became comrades ever since. Kublai affected Sonn that he became remarkably exceptional to him than to other villagers - they provided each other's needs.

    "I... I am so sorry..." Simoun is in rapid agitation.

    "It's not about your feelings! You, being sorry, won't take his life back!" In that moment when villagers gathered and cried with Sonn, Simoun was deeply penitent in his words.

   "I am... I... Sonn... please forgive me..." As Simoun said those words, approaching Sonn, tears flowed from his eyes. "What do you want me to do... how will you ever forgive me..."

   "Look for someone like Kublai! He who can give us potions", (it is a fact that Kublai is eminently intelligent that be can make potions; and he can write enchanted books so as to enchant weapons) "and who can do the greatness of living!" Expressed he, exasperated on his wet clothes caused by his jumping off the pond.

   "I am your brother, Sonn, and he is just a villager." Simoun ultimately said which made Sonn burst into dander.

   "HE.... HE GAVE US ALL..." Cried he. "ALL! He gave us something we never happen to obtain!" The scene continued beside the pond while the whole village are watching them. It's already 8PM. The scene descended into calmness when Enoch, son of Kublai, got near to assess the situation. Over which occurrence, Enoch did not express any signs of disrespect to Simoun. Sonn, on the other hand, said to them that they will give Kublai a respectful and civil funeral. Simoun then entered their main house; he proceeds to write something in tears. Sonn followed after the cold, blue body of Kublai is secured. He, then, get to his bed without minding Simoun writing. He slept angrily and his heart is bursting depressed.

* * *

   Sonn woke-up conscious too late this time, it's 11AM in the morning. He stayed still on his bed waiting for any sounds that Simoun will execute. He noticed that no one is with him in their main-house. Maybe Simoun is merely on behalf of sympathizing with the villagers. We could not tell.

   Sonn decided to compose himself up. He got up, did a little stretch, and went to look at the window (they have eight windows. Two windows every side of the house). He can't navigate where Simoun is -  not in the garden, bastion-mansion. . . Maybe underground? Sonn, then, went to be seated at the table and he happened to discern a letter. . . from his brother, Simoun.

"Dear Cousin,

   I am so sorry for what I committed last night. This letter is not to express my penitent words but to rather tell you that i am going on a desperate hunt of finding someone like Kublai - he, who could give us the things we happen not to attain. I will make sure that I will find someone like him... He who will give us the greatest goods and will make the best impact on our village. Please be knowldeged that I will use not a single currency or fund from the village for this hunt. I just want to remind you at last that villagers are to serve us and not us to serve them. We made the greatest impact, too, on their lives and it is not unusual for them to give what we deserve back. I love you, Sonn. Best, Brother Simoun."

   It was at that moment he realized that his Brother left for a hunt - a hunt for someone like Kublai. Sonn, at last, is in proximity of crying.

   "He is just making me feel bad. Go, he will never find someone like Kublai." It could be that he said those words but the truth is. . . the letter makes him feel exceedingly sad.