The Unexpected Arrival

   Sans any clue of his condition, it had been two days since Simoun left. It was 6 o'clock in the evening and Sonn was supposed to conduct his standard routine - to prepare their dinner. He was sitting on the chair where Simoun often writes. There was a compulsive sadness attended by definite vexation. Sonn wondered in preoccupation as he was motionless, glancing at nothingness - has Simoun, my brother, eaten? Where would he sleep?

   Simoun, at least, has his diamond armour. But he got no sustenance or even a piece of currency (which was stated already on his letter).

   At the very day after the night when the head-villager Kublai was pronounced dead, his body was immediately buried in respective manner. Which links to another thing that made Sonn heart-broken - Simoun, his brother, did not include any remark in his letter that civilly regards to Kublai's peaceful funeral. The Village, by far, was evidently mourning, showed by their lack of motivation to work. The most affected villager was Enoch, Kublai's son. He was far discouraged by extreme sorrow and in reluctance to even eat. Sonn often visited him so as to make his feeling much lighter.

   Another day had come, Sonn was still alone in their main-house. The golden rays, as always, is what wakes Sonn dizzy. He was awake but incapable of moving. He was impression-less, looking straight to the wall as soon as he opened his eyes. The time passed and it was 9AM. Sonn was still in bed! Until. . .

   Knock! Knock! Someone unwanted knocks. He peeked at the window and saw two indifferent girl and a fat man, standing in front of their house. They were truly unexpected for they were not part of the village nor they look like merchants. Sonn, then, felt the need to open the door. He, then, stood and walked to the door, looking so tiresome. It's them - Alexandrovna, Stacia, and Noel.

   Alexandrovna is the sister of Simoun which he invited last, last week. Stacia and Noel is one of the cousins - Sonn know them very well enough to be comfortable but they were not included on the letter of invitation.

   "Please come in." He civilly invited them inside of their main-house. "What is the matter of your visit, Alexandrovna?" He enunciated as he made his visitors seated at the rectangular table. Alexandrovna handed out from her bag a letter - the letter which Simoun gave as an invitation. Sonn already know the significance of her handing the letter out.

  "Ah... Yes, i remember. Sorry, i lost the matter." Sonn answered as he perused the letter. After the evident observation, Sonn gave them baked potatoes and freezing cold beef to eat.

  "Where is my Brother?" Alexandrovna asked.

  "He left for something important... to him."

   Alexandrovna is dressed in wretchedness, wearing brown rags. Stacia and Noel, on the other hand, looks literate enough to be respectfully accepted - It's not that Alexandrovna looks illiterate, nor she looks subordinate of them, one may just mistake her as a poor farmer. To them, there is not a single remarkable feature that can be rapidly noticed. They look precisely indifferent.

   Sonn did not prefer to join them at the table. Rather, he examined their outside property - the environment where they live. He noticed that there are newly formed mini-craters (undoubtedly caused by a hostile mob called creepers) on their garden!

   Creepers are green, peculiar, hostile creatures that loves to chase someone - and as soon as they get into proximity, they blow-up [BOOM!]. They, for some unidentified reason however, do not bother to horrendously kill villagers. They never care about villagers as the villagers have something that makes creepers kind towards them, which magic is far surreptitious to know. Creepers, blowing-up, will surely kill themselves, evaporating like a gas from a blown-up baloon. But they leave mini-craters, which are annoying. Those craters make the landscape looks weirdly composed, leaving an odd detail on the ground.

   The irrigation sustaining the garden is leaking! He immediately got and fixed the ground using the collected stack of soils they obtained from the underground project. Their farms looks dilapidated.

   Sonn knew that those three visitors were the culprit - chased by some creepers which made their garden repugnant. He said to himself,

   "Some sort of war..."

    Walking in their main-house, the three visitors seems to have just finished their food, brightly looking  as Sonn entered. Stacia stood in civil and presented her warm gratification.

   "Thank you, Sonn. . . I saw you before." Sonn then grabbed the wooden bowls from the table and soaked them on water to be washed later.

   "You are very welcome. Yes, indeed", Sonn responded as three stood up. "You would love to have a tour around our village. Come with me."

   After the recent discovery of chaos caused by the three, - which is by-and-by caused by the creepers - Sonn did not bother to talk about it. He gave them an ample tour and guided them accordingly around the village.

   "From now on, you will be part of this village." At that moment, Sonn's tone is evidently depressed marked by his remarkable eyes. It was late in noon, the sun speaks as if it is to burn the arc of the land, he is not in interference to treat them as they are now a part of the village - not a working villager but one of the proprietor. "After all, you are my cousins." He pronounced.

   The party was evidently relished going to and fro around the village. They seemed happily attended listening to Sonn's instruction. He introduced them various works and crafts they can bestow their time upon. He introduced them so to the villagers of the town.

   In the mean time, Sonn asked them to sleep with the villagers - there is only one bed in vaccant which is Simoun's bed. However, it looks blatantly polluted caused by his long absence. They accorded and asserted civilly and they made Sonn feel wholly gratified.