The Blinding Rain

   Perhaps, that night must have been plainly abominable, especially to Stacia who was there at the very scene. She was in the midst of life and death, yet she managed to grapple the infant around her shoulders and out of the house - Stacia brought the infant salvation.

   Another day had come. . . It was actually rainy. The precipitation was tough and cold. The sun was hidden. Let's not venture to discover where Sonn did sleep last night, but as for this moment (it's 6AM), he floated off the water-powered elevator, since he mined underground last night. Noel was sitting at the table in the main-house, figuring out what to do. He could not go outside as the extreme rainfall makes the atmosphere imperceptible to the eyes.

   Sonn ran wet from the elevator and vanished from the air. He ran to their main-house, knocked at the door, and composed himself safe. As soon as Noel opened the door, he had no worry staying at the way for he was dripping wet.

   "How cold!" Sonn faintly exclaimed. He was freezing cold and his lips turned blue.

   "What can I do to help you? You introduced us various works, but I think the weather does not conform." Noel wept at him.

   "May you fetch me a cloth in that chest, please." Sonn responded. Noel did so. He fetched the cloth from the said chest and gave it to Sonn. Noel again asked,

   "What can I do to help you?" He stood, asking in earnest interest on 'what can he do to help him'.

   "Hm... We can't actually do but wait 'till the rain stops." Sonn smiled. He sat at the table opposite to Noel. "I am sure Stacia and Alexandrovna are safe. They are under villagers' care, and they never ran out of edibles or clothes."

   "Yes, I hope so." Noel stood from the seat and went by the window. "How invisible the village is from here."

   Sonn went to the counter so as to prepare their breakfast. He fetched some carrots and potatoes from the barrel stationed by the kitchen-counter.

   Noel stands here as a confusing cousin. He seems like a person of mediocrity - nothing nice, not that nasty either. But we may pronounce Noel as fat and an amiable man.

   "Would you like me to help you in the kitchen?" Said his breathy voice in an obliging manner. He is, at least, benevolent.

   Hours had passed, but the rain preceded, briskly hitting the ground.

* * *

   It was getting darker, but the rain was getting more aggressive. Sonn and Noel remained isolated, reading the books that Simoun wrote. And in sudden. . .

  Lightning strikes! Someone shouted from outside! It appeared like a man riding a horse. . . It was a skeleton horse! Someone knocked at the door. [KNOCK! KNOCK!] He was in zeal, hitting the door. They put the books down on the table.

   "Is it a zombie or what?" Noel worried, glancing seriously at the door.

   "Open the door! Fast!" The intrusive someone cried. Its voice was firm and heavy - he was someone familiar in sound. Sonn stood from the seat, trying to recognize by the window who was that unwanted intruder.

   "It's me! Quick! The zombies are approachiiing!" The man cried at last. Sonn was still in reluctance to unhitch the door. The man flashed his sword from his attached scabbard and resolutely wrecked the door open. And by the winds, the fragments of wood flew around. An odd horse approached Noel, pushed him, and made him stumble down the ground! A skeleton horse - it kept on sniffing Noel down, ha-ha-ha! As if Noel is a horse too!

   "A skeleton horse!" Sonn was panicking, trying to perceive the scene.

   "Help! Help! It's sniffing me on the ground!" Noel begged.

   It was Simoun who came! He came back!

   "Brother, it was you! Thank you for coming back!" Sonn was pleased, and he was to cry.

   "Block the door! Hey! Star! Stop that star!" He stopped the skeleton horse - he is the master of the horse which he referred to as 'Star'. Sonn preceded the door and just in time when a zombie approached! With a new weapon, Simoun threw a trident and impaled the zombie! Sonn went to the way and fetched the trident for Simoun. He, then, obstructed the door by woods, and tied it safe so as to prevent the zombies from entering their home.

   "That was close! And... the horse is in here. . . Oh, dear me! how odd this horse is, he-he-he." Sonn's cute voice expressed, showing that he was not vexed. He appeared to be really glad that his brother came back - his voice, the tone of it, and the manner in which he act.

   "N... Noel? Why are you here? What is the object of your arrival? And sorry for my horse." Inquired Simoun as soon as he perceived his presence.

   "I was by Alexandrovna, you invited her, right?... And allow me to say that Stacia is with us, too." Answered he.

   As they converse, Sonn was on behalf of preparing their dinner.

   "It's... I am so glad you are here! I am also grateful that my books interest your intellects." He said as he saw his books on the table, also expressing his felicity. He, then, observed Sonn who was occupied, preparing their dinner. From which observation, he fetched from his bag four books of riveting appearance and then started to speak alluding to Sonn, "Sonn, I encountered a village at the north... a village near the beach. . . Sorry, I happened not to hunt someone like Kublai, but. . . they gave me these books of understanding which tells us the nature of a villagers and zombies; and how a zombie might infect a villager, including how to cure such an infection." At this point, Simoun hooked Sonn's attention. Sonn approached as Simoun was talking, leaving his current dinner preparation, "It also gives me insight on how to make potions, enchanted books, golden apples, the end dimension, the dragon, and, at last, the wither and power-beacon." He cited it not in succinct detail, but he amazed Sonn's sentiments that he was able to bestow a verdict.

   We know why Simoun's attainment from the said village and his discovery caught Sonn's interest that he was wholly and in earnest focused on him - "maybe we can use that discovery to cure Enoch and his wife." Sonn thought to himself. Though in this case, Simoun did not hear yet about the tragedy that happened to Enoch.

   The rain continued throughout the whole night, preventing them from seeing Stacia and Alexandrovna. It would be very hard to navigate each part of the land considering that it is vigorously raining and the night has come: The bastion-mansion, village, garden, and farm is not visible in eyes to be visited.

   Simoun at last, noticing his dilapidated bed, laughed. They talked and conversed the whole night, accompanied by the deafening precipitation. They would not sleep but confabulated, and to Simoun's great misery, hearing what happened to Enoch and his wife, he broke depressed.

   The rainy night went like this: as soon as the three were settled, they jeered about the recent amusing occurrence - recollecting when Star (the skeleton horse) attacked Noel down and sniffed him, ha-ha-ha.  

  In the midst of their conversation, Noel ventured to say that he wanted to rest as he was 'exceedingly sleepy'.

   "Go sleep on my bed, Noel. We would not sleep at all." Sonn referred to his bed.

   "Yes, indeed. And I will clean my bed pristine tomorrow." Simoun added.

   Noel tucked himself on the bed and shut in instance by slumber. Simoun and Sonn were left seated at the table and, on the other hand, talked about various concerns that transpired around the village - Enoch and Jane's infection and where they are.

   "In vain!" Simoun grabbed the book that regards the concern. It's a purple book, looking wretched - there's something imperial about the book. He skimmed through it and found a paragraph on how to cure an infected villager. It also explains the nature of a zombie.

   "What have you done that they gave you such vehement books, brother?" Wondered Sonn.

   "I saved their village from a raid. They gave me books and an enchanted trident." Said he, pointing to the trident which he rested on the wall.

   "You are far braver than I believed, brother. Please fogiv-"

  "Let us forgo that memory, Sonn. What we need to bestow our focus upon is on how are we going to cure Enoch and Jane." He responded, still looking at the book as he was trying to navigate a paragraph. "I found it!" He exclaimed. "It's over here." Said he, tipping his antique finger at the text: (The fourth and fifth paragraph of the Venin Book)

4 Cure a Zombie-Villager using a splash potion of weakness - It slowly removes the toxins caused by the infection.

5 After the splash, forcefully feed the subject a golden Apple.

   Sonn gave Simoun a condescending glance.   

   "Forcefully what?" Sonn in amazement asked.

   "Golden apple and potion of weakness." Simoun reiterated, still perusing the pages. Sonn stood in confusion,

   "Where... where are we going to attain such things!"

   Simoun fetched another brown book titled 'innectis dux - New English translation': (Paragraph 17)

17 Make a Golden Apple by covering an Apple with melted golds. Make a Weakness Potion by brewing a fermented spider eye on a brewing stand - it must be fueled by a blaze powder.

   "B... blaze powder from the ferocious blaze at the Nether!" Sonn cried and stood.

   "Yes. We must make a brewing stand first. Tomorrow, let us go."

   As they conversed, they noticed the cognizant light, rising from the arc. The rain had stopped, and the sun was rising.

   "How can we go tomorrow if tomorrow has already come, brother? Look, the sun is rising." They laughed. Simoun and Sonn stared at the fat Noel - he was under a deep sleep. They fixed themselves, composing to visit Enoch and Jane. They, of course, would like to gather and see Stacia as well as Alexandrovna.