Complete at the Table

   [Pluck! Pluck!]

   "Finally!" Simoun exclaimed seeing his work done - it looks as if it did not broke. He fixed the door, broken by him due to the last night's havoc. Immediately after the rain stopped, he tied Star, the skeleton horse, to the tree outside. The rain left them shivering by the air. [Whooosh] How cold the air was passing.

   As Simoun was walking outside, observing the environment and recollecting how Star, ere getting struck by the sudden lightning, was just a mere horse (with flesh). He, too, elicited his bastion-mansion project as well as the underground-basement. While doing so, Alexandrovna and Stacia approached running from the village's gate - so Simoun walked towards them. He welcomed them and embraced them.

   "I am so glad to see you here!" Simoun's firm voice expressed, leading them inside the main-house. "Get in, please, and be seated." His manly voice added. The two ladies are undeniably delighted, marked by their radiant smile as soon as they see their brother (for Simoun was the oldest of them).

   Noel, by that time, was sleeping (it was 7AM). Sonn was, as always, preparing their morning food. As the three (Simoun, Alexandrovna, and Stacia) entered, the two ladies chuckled, ridiculing Noel for his tight sleep.

   "He-he-he" The gaily laugh liberated - loud enough to wake Noel. 

   "What has happened?" Noel stood, stretching his body wide like a cat.

   Simoun made the two ladies seated at the table as well as the newly conscious Noel. He went to get three more wood blocks so as to be a chair for there were only two chairs at the table. His antique composure and extraordinary words never did fail to make him a worth-listening speaker. He stood in front of them, told them to seat by the body of the rectangular table, and as tradition dictates, they must save the two ends of the table for them (Sonn and he) considering that they are the main proprietor.

   They moved the table and it is now by the wall making it have five vacant spaces. Two for the two ends and three for the body.

   Noel was seated on the very left, making him seat the nearest to Simoun; next to her is Stacia - she was on the middle; and by her, on the right, was Alexandrovna. Alexandrovna, glancing at Noel, was repressed by sudden emotion and jeered at Noel - for his fat buttock is wide enough to conquer the wooden seat, ha-ha-ha. He merely laughed at himself and to their mockery, but as soon as he noticed that Sonn was preparing the food alone, his benevolence wouldn't keep him seated like a king, waiting in amusement for the ceremony. He, then, stood from the seat and offered his helping hands to Sonn who was at that time [as we mentioned] preparing the breakfast. Simoun and the two ladies were left seated at the table, speaking about his absence and his journey. In the midst of their talk, Alexandrovna introduced a subject about her nearing departure.

   "Brother, I need to go back to where I am from. Which is due to academic purposes." Alexandrovna said. She, by the way, is a lady with a brownish skin, curly hair and a thick voice. She is tall and the most remarkable of her bodily attribute is her very black and thick eye brows. Alexandrovna is good-humoured though this time she was feeling sad.

   "Why?" Stacia inquired before Simoun. "You can't leave us here." She seemed calm but her displeasure was evidently present. Her white face turned into a pinkish flesh, emerging rapidly on her skin.

   "By tomorrow, Stacia, I have to leave." She pronounced, "And, at least, my Brother could keep you. Help him, you and Noel. Otherwise, he might throw you out of this prestigious village. He-he-he."

   "No, ha-ha. I am kind and am willing to do that for my cousins. Good luck to your academic life, Alexandrovna." Simoun grabbed something and offered it to her, saying, "Please take this." He handed her a sword from his scabbard. "I have now a trident and what is the use of keeping that?"

   "I am not known of using this weapon, he-he-he." She said taking the sword and brushing it aside. Simoun, at last, presented to Alexandrovna his willingness to rent her a chaise and get her at her place. Alexandrovna was rejoicing, happily accepted the warm offer from his brother - for she is a living witness of how menacing Villa Sur is and would not love to travel alone (it was said that Villa Sur is the name of the Village).

   Sonn and Noel remained serving on the table various foods which are in hold by the classic wooden bowls. They seemed to work in consonance, blessed by the internal calm. They have a green hot stew made of flowers from the garden - good for this cold morning; baked potatoes out from the oven; raw carrots which is nutritious; and lastly, cooked steak.

  They relished the service, thanked each other, and loved the food while conversing various concerns about life and the village. Ere, Sonn told them these are the crafts and those are the works available and here, Simoun elaborated each occupation and the gains they will attain by attending so.

   At the table, Simoun also discussed the books he obtained from his journey and the possibilities of the future. They were in buzz listening to his chatters, but they were in lucidity savoring about the succulent steaks and the scrumptious foods. Simoun, then, became the host. He ventured to go from this subject and then there. And at last, they got up, cleaned the table together and decided to visit the house where the zombies Enoch and Jane is imprisoned in despair.

   They came outside and walked moderately for the said intent, observing how the biome was affected by the storm last night - though there was not a great damage, but fragments of tree stems are scattered around. Sonn entered the gate, Simoun followed as he was highly animated but agitated in manner, and the three attended with them as if it would be an amusement to see Simoun's reaction. It also riveted their notice knowing the fact that Simoun has the knowledge - knowledge of the infection and the enthralling nature of the supernatural matters.