The Differing Destinations

  We had it reiterated that Nether is not new to them, nor it is something strange to their sentiments. But we are not ascertained whether they know the whole nether and its nature. This new discovery was something obscure to both Simoun and Sonn - let us just consider that they did not explore the west of the Nether yet. Thus, when going there, they did find something unexpected. Vegetation in the Nether?

   As they climbed up to the cliff and soon discovered the puzzling woodland (puzzling because... how can a wood not burn in the Nether), they ran towards it in excitement and profound interest. They were wholly animated because there may be loots and riches in that forest - their original intent was somewhat forgotten, but we must be ascertained that they were still in search of the said fortress where the vicious blaze could be found. And as soon as they stepped on the greenish sprouts, they thought of the forest harmless.

   "What kind of biome is this? How can the Nether produce such vegetation." Said Sonn as they peruse the environment, helping the urge to touch the green-orange fungus. "Must we try and taste this odd looking fungus?" He added, alluding to the fungus.

   "I... I don't know either. But I would argue for us to taste that (as you have pronounced) odd looking fungus." Simoun responded as they were walking under the unique trees that were covered in greenish vines - it was, indeed, looking very strange but at the same time fascinating. There were also greenish-blue stems attached to the trees and growing within its leaves were glowing mushrooms (shroomlights) that were bright in color and so was beaming - it looked like glowstones, but it looked soft and woody and fibrous - that, at least, wholly describes the Warped Forest.

   However, their current felicity was taken back when they perceived that the biome was reigned by mobs of endermen - though these creatures are also present in the overworld, considering the further cruelty there, endermen would be far more dangerous in the Nether. Endermen, by the way, are painful hitting creatures that are far taller than an average monster. They are so slim, but they can take your life away within a few strikes. They are, however, not aggressive unless you give them the sudden, long stare, and an indifferent stare even - or, needless to say, if you hit them.

   "Sonn... Sonn... Remember to not make any eye contact. Don't look at them." Warned Simoun as they proceeded. They diligently continued and tried to carefully walk so as to not alert the dangerous endermen. At last, as they proceeded in linear fashion, they passed from the warped forest out. . .

   "Okay, now we're out. But... But this seems more of a menacing place than that forest!" Sonn cried as they stood before a volcanic biome that is composed of basalt and blackstones - it was the Basalt Deltas! The atmosphere was mostly composed of ashes flying by! The terrain was jagged and was composed of holes that were filled with magma! Roaming around were the dangerous Magma Cubes - a jiggly mob that is soft in appearance but is exceedingly hot when touched!

   "Must we continue?" Asked Sonn as they observed the surroundings.

   "I think we must." Declared Simoun. So they hopped, running recklessly. Don't be heedless folks!

   As they ran with rapidity, a massive sized magma cube chased them! The mob were hopping exceptionally high, making it travel much faster - making high range jumps! They ran and ran, but Sonn stumbled out of panic. . . Simoun turned around and in his great terror, seeing Sonn in danger, he went back, slashed his sword and sliced the cube in half. But the two half were still alive, as if they became two living creatures! Again, Simoun slashed the half and the other half - making it four. Those were still alive! Sonn, then, stood and stabbed the four dissected living creatures, making them die and release a smoking hot cream - a magma cream! From the bottle that Simoun brought, they decided to take some - but it was exceedingly hot, and the bottle melted.

   "We must go here next time and bring a specialized apparatus so as to collect such cream." Simoun said.

   They continued until they advanced on another indifferent land of the Nether - they are now on a Nether Waste plain roaming around.

   "Don't you get hungry, brother?" Sonn asked, as he seated himself on the ground, for he was far tired from this adventure. "Whoosh... Are we even going to get to that fortress?" Added he, sighing and asking the air.

   "Go eat this bread. I brought with us a decent amount of food... so that we won't get hungry."

   As they were seated on the crimson rock, they happened to deeply ponder together. They were worried about many matters, preoccupied  by excessive things, but motivated by their intent.

   "Do you think, brother, that we will ever succeed on this mission?" Sonn asked, looking at his brother's face, observing his facial expression.

   "I think so." Simoun responded as he was looking around and perceiving the biosphere. They were seated, watching the pigmen roam and walk to and fro and not minding them seated.

   "Brother, did you take note of how are we going to get back? The location of our portal, at least?"

   "Yes, I marked the exact location where our portal stood. It beholds our way out of his devilish abyss. He-he-He." He answered as he relished over the apple. His composure and how he treated the apple manifested how starving he was.

   "Shall we continue?"

   "If you rested enough. But I am thinking that we must rest for a moment more." Simoun declared, picking another Apple and eating it eagerly.

   Fortunately, as they were on behalf of winding up, no ghast nor any hostile mobs were there to bother. They talked about this and that and adored every food they happened to swallow.

   "I think we rested enough." Simoun, after several moments, pronounced as he stood. Sonn followed him standing and they proceeded their journey. As they walked on the plains of the usual nether biome, they discovered another coast beneath. They went down and walked by the coast until they got to the end. . . At the end of the coast stands a really tall bastion remnant that was not yet discovered by them. The remnant looked like a black castle that was wretched by the fire and around it was the aggressive piglins who are excessively greedy of golds - the only way you can pass these hostile mobs is by wearing a piece of armor. So as the two were far enough, looking at the remnant, Sonn asked,

   "Maybe we can check..." He aimed his bow and promptly murdered a piglin who were, at that time, mining golds beneath the coast near the vast body of magma. Simoun was overwhelmed by what Sonn did, but what could they do? So Sonn ran towards the terrorizing corpses and looted its golden boots and helmet. "Here brother, take this golden boots and I will wear this helmet." Said Sonn, smiling.

   "You are gratified..." Simoun responded.

   They entered from the drawbridge with ease, for they were wearing something that is very dominant to piglins - wearing a piece of gold armor will make you be accepted at the remnant. Piglins, by the way, are creatures in humanoid form that look and sound like pigs - they love golds and in actuality, remnants always behold an immense amount of golds - but those golds are not to be taken. They stack it as their God and never dare to use it.

   They were on the lower wings of the remnant when they saw a lot of chests placed around. The problem was that if they open any of the chest, piglins will instantly suspect and will violently kill the subject. The best possible way of looting a chest on a remnant is when no one is around - while in this case, the whole civilization was around! Simoun was nervously laughing, realizing how many piglins were roaming.

   "Must... he-he-he... must we really do this? Simoun said.

   "Yes, brother. Under that wall over there," (pointing next to the middle wings' gate) "we can run there after opening the chest. Just prepare yourself and sword." Sonn responded.

   As they scrutinized the place where many piglins roam across, they made a simple plan that they must execute as soon as they open the chest.

   "Brother, ready your bag so as I open the chest, I will immediately grip the contents, and we will run."

   As Sonn told so, they got near the chest and observed the area. The chest, by the way, is placed in the middle of the lower wings - which has the shape of an acute trapezoid. Around it were walls and beneath the walls are several aisles and pillars. On the other side of the entrance stands the middle wings' gate and alongside the gate are two holes in which many workers walk across.

   After several minutes, Sonn opened the chest.