He Got Lost

   After several minutes, Sonn opened the chest. There was a great mass of repulsion as Sonn executed the action. For as he was grabbing the contents up to the sack in a trembling manner, many piglins were alarmed, looking at each other for a moment. Those piglins seemed so stunned to even move. A piglin brute - which seemed to be their head - cried in blaze, alarming the whole remnant of the intrusion! [OINK OINK OINK!]

    "Sonn! Run through the hole!" Simoun cried, rapidly running towards the hole which was beside the middle wings' gate - Sonn followed in panic, running briskly, carrying the bag. They must run and not care for the slashing repulsion around them. The piglins were shaking mad, raising their swords in outburst! Other piglins were throwing their sword and others tried to slash and impale the bandits. As they, fortunately, were able to do, they entered the hole, and they discovered that it looked like an extensive, eerie aisle - discovering that it was not a hole but a hall. As they ran on the aisle out of terror, they went by many piglins which were so in confusion, as if 'why would these folks run'. Still, many piglins chased them on their back. At least, we may presume that they were moderate in speed, although they were in tremendous madness.

   In the midst of pursuit as Simoun and Sonn happened to come across a stair, Simoun stumbled making his golden helmet flew - because of the sudden exposition, many piglins were exceedingly provoked (for he who does not have any golden accessory on his body is an enemy to piglins). Many chased them, but most chased Simoun! As they got up the stairs, many piglins noticed them and started slashing their swords! They were raging in amok as the two ran at the blackstone  aisle and crying! At least, piglins were slower. But they are getting exasperated considering that they are in a hot atmosphere - They are in a devilish dimension. And as many piglins chased them and as most of the piglins did to Simoun, they ran and came across an intersection at the aisle. There, the buzz commenced as the mobs started to dominate their escape. Because of the unstoppable mob of piglins, trying to analyze what was happening and seeing Simoun wearing not a single golden accessory, Simoun and Sonn had to split - Sonn at the left and Simoun went to the right.

   On Sonn's side, one is eminently fortunate, for he came across a hole leading outside the remnant - It seemed that it was destroyed by ghast or something that is powerful. He ran and ran and ran until he was out of the sight of the piglins and the remnant itself - It was hell... an absolute hell.

   "Where... where is my brother?" He realized as he was so breathless, observing the place where he was by. He was scrutinizing the place where he decided to run - he did not even understand how he got there, but it is, for sure, because of his tremendous anxiousness, controlling his overall aspect. There, in the nether plains, Sonn was roaming, having nothing but a sack where the loots were grabbed by. He also has a sword and a bow, but the food was by Simoun. Where was his brother, he was not sure.

   At some point Sonn thought of going back, Simoun has the map and the food, how could he survive? But his brain and heart were shattered in air, hassling in many directions and trying to dictate whether he should or not go. 

   "God... God, please help me." Sonn pronounced as his eyes were in tears, deeply scared and preoccupied. He went by in proximity to view the remnant, but he saw how the repulsion was raging - piglins were creating havoc! So he decided to get by far and go in search of his brother. However honest, is it not so stupid to look for him in the opposite way? He thought so! But how could he make it to go back?

   His thoughts were on buzz, and he could not think - he was worrying far too much! At last, he decided to go under the cliff (the cliff where the remnant stood) and under some cave-like holes, he hid. What would he eat, there was nothing.

   "I cannot stay like this." Sonn, at last, declared to himself in gallantry. He decided to get out of the cave-like hole and compose himself braver for he said, 'I am brave'.

   He crept to face the merciless nether and proceeded to execute his plans. Though his sentiments were in repulsion, he dared to go back to the remnant, but he would not go inside to tackle back the private and savage civilization.

   His plan was this: He thought of going around the remnant and finding his brother on the other side. So he did it. He went, climbing the cliff and getting back near the remnant. He went around it in silence, avoiding being caught.

   The cliff was high and on the other part of that particular land was the magma lake. He, with care, decided to walk by it to go around the remnant. As he did so, he saw and perused the tall castle-like remnant and on the very uppermost part of the castle, where a wall of tower stood, walked many piglins working synchronously.

   Sonn did, and he progressed around to the other side of the remnant. Standing on the other side, he saw... nothing. Nothing, considerably, because there were no other gates than on the drawbridge and the hole as an accidental exit (though it is not the standard gate). He stood in disappointment, seeing nothing. As he was ruminating, trying to analyze the situation, he thought, at least, that maybe he could go on the drawbridge... and wait there - unnoticed. Since there was only one entrance and no definite exit, maybe he could monitor the entrance.

    We are not sure whether it would work, although it is the most logically precise matter to utter. So he did so, walked around for a few steps. The entrance gate that is accessed by a drawbridge seems to be nonfunctional as for the moment since it was pulled above - having it no one to accept. It could be because of the previous disarray that the two cousins deployed. However, the question remains: Where is Simoun? If the remnant was closed, and Simoun did not manage to escape, where could he be? Or could he be alive still?

    As the persevering Sonn was trying to go to and fro, round and about, he was also dealing with a big struggle whispering on his belly which implies that he was starving - He was in absolute hunger!

   "Brotherrr... Brother..." He said as he went back and forth, vexed by the situation that his face was speaking - He was sweating excessively, and his face was covered with the black, smokey dust! Sonn tried to observe the overall state of the remnant from behind, but he saw how tranquil it was by that moment.

   At last, reader, we may declare that Sonn should go back to the overworld as soon as possible. But how about his brother? His brother has his foods with him, but he is not a warrior. He barely uses his sword but is an astute gentleman.

   Sonn was tired and starving, having nothing to do but to worry. He was exceedingly preoccupied as he thought of himself to die on this very day - we would hear his heart beating rapidly. His body was sweating, eyes were crying, and mind was thinking in an overly mannered way, provoked by nothing but his fears - his fears for himself, for his brother, and for Jane.

   Their intent was wholly attached to Sonn's heart and sentiments that one shall not try to even give a verdict about it. As it is true, indeed, that Sonn was still fancying their original intent.