Chapter 1: The System

"Get in there!" A security guard yelled. A tall teen pushed in a cell. The other inmates looked at the new kid.

"Hey kid." An inmate said. "What caused you to come to this shit hole of a place? You got caught stealing or something he chuckled."

"I was drunk," the teen replied. "A drinker?" The inmate asked.  "What did ya drink, ginger ale, root beer?" He laughed with the other inmates joining in.

"Blood," the teen replied.


"Hahaha" everyone laughed. "We got an edge lord over here," shouted another. "Alright kid, you need to know how things work around here. First of all you will address me as your boss." 

"No," the teen responded. 

"No? You said no? I don't think you know your place. Robby, show him what happens when you say no to the boss." "Yes boss" said an inmate. "Kid, you're gonna regret saying those words." Robby walked to the teen with confidence. He stopped a foot away and immediately he swung his fist at the teens stomach or so he thought, but immediately the teen caught his hand and swung at Robby's face.

Thud! The sheer pressure from his fist caused Robby to black out on the floor. Before anyone could react the teen punched the other inmate causing him to stumble backwards. Immediately the boss inmate grabbed the teens collar of the teens shirt and slammed him into the cell gate.

"You son of a b*tch I've got you now! Good luck trying to esc-"

Crunch! The teen snapped the boss's pointer and middle finger.

"Youch! Dear Mother Teresa! I'm gonna kill you for th-", but before he could react in time the teen headbutted the boss and knocked him on the floor. Before the boss could stand up the teen pounced on him and repeatedly punched the boss in the face. The other inmate watched in horror as his boss was brutally being beaten in the face.

"Hey! What is going on here?!" A security guard came shocked by the sudden commotion. He whipped out his taser and zap the teen causing him to blackout.

POV: Warden

In a chair a man in a suit sat with tons of paperwork on his desk. Suddenly a woman came into the room. "Warden Phelix sir!" the woman said. "Yes Jeniffer?" Phelix replied. "Amani caused a mess in cell number 42." 

"Amani? Who is Amani."

"The kid who caused a great incident in our county. Sir with all due respect he is someone who was hated by many people."

"Ah that kid who killed the senator's son. I Wish he did. The Senator is one creepy guy."

"Yes that is correct, but that is a secret only a few people know so you should keep that to yourself, just so you don't get into trouble."

"Yes yes I understand. What did he do this time?"

 "He knocked out two inmates and injured one inmate. Just a couple of drug dealers. "

"Ok and? Just send him to an isolation chamber for a few days and it should be fine."

"I don't think that would be helpful, after all he only got in for 5 minutes and he already caused a mess."

"So what do you suppose we should do Jennifer?"

"I'd say we should send him to a counselor. At least the counselor would try to change him or find a way to numb his aggression."

"Then let's go with that option because right now I have too much paperwork. Set up a date and time and call a counselor you believe would be best fit. You are dismissed."

"Yes sir."

Pov: Amani (MC)

"Uhh f*ck my head hurts." Rubbing my head I find myself in a small room. In front of the door I heard a guard grumbling.

"Hey, when can I leave?" I asked. The guard, having a serious facial expression, replied "You'll be out in a few just let me make a phone call."

Just like the guard said he called someone and in a few minutes I was released from my cell and two buff security guards pointed their pistols at me. I was then handcuffed and led to a room and was told to take a seat. Both of the guards stood behind me. In the room was a glass see-through barrier. A few seconds later a man with silver hair around mid 20s walked into the room on the other side of the glass barrier.

"Hello I am the councilor of the Prison ground. I will be your councilor for today. You can call me Sebastian. I will ask you some questions and please answer them truthfully."

"Aw f*ck" Amani mumbled.

"Ok so for my first question, why did you kill your upper class-men?" asked Sebastian.

"Because they deserved it, they sinned and all sinners deserve punishment. I just chose myself to be the one to punish them."

"We understand that your upper class-men did some horrible things, but did it deserve killing them? Half of the upper class-men you killed had siblings in your class and friends in your grade. You could have let the law handle them."

"The government would not help. Those seniors (Note: He is referring to the upper class-men who are 12th graders.) are children of wealthy families. The government could not afford to lose them."

"Well, ok then on to the next question. Did you have any trauma when killing your seniors? For instance, did the death of your upper class-men affect you? Do you feel-", but before the councilor could finish his sentence he paused, staring straight at Amani's face.

"Why are you smiling, Amani? This is a serious matter here!" asked Sebastian.

"Oh, is that what's happening to my face? I'm sorry but I couldn't help it. I found their screams most entertaining. You know the only thing I found beautiful was their blood. Such a beautiful shade of red. It may be my new favorite character."

"Don't you have any remorse?"

"Not at all. I did this for the sake of the people. They were evil doers, they had to be punished."

"Don't you think it is evil to kill someone for a sin you claim they caused.

"Claim? You're telling me that you don't believe me? Let me tell you what happened. Those seniors traumatized other civilians. They beat up kids just for the fun of it. They steal money just for the sake of it. They didn't even need money because their parents are wealthy idiots who probably bribed the police to lie about their investigation. They probably bribed the judge. That judge certainly did not seem professional."

"*Sigh" Sebastian sighed in disbelief. "This child is a lost cause." He thought. "How is your home life?"

Immediately as he asked me, I shivered. "I would rather not discuss that."

"Were you abused?"


"Look, I'm here to help you."

"I don't need it. Leave me alone."

Sebastian stood up and signaled the guards to take Amani back to his cell. 

POV: Sebastian

"Secretary Jennifer, I would advise sending Amani to a mental asylum. He may have a screw loose in his head and since he is still a child he can be swayed to a better side."

"I'm afraid we can't do that. We will be keeping him here. We're not saying that your proposal is wrong but him staying here would be a safer option not only for others but for Amani. You're aware of the people who want their heads. He killed the children of wealthy people. People with power." Jennifer replied.

"Then it seems as though my work for today is done. I will visit Amani once a week. I will try to change him."

POV: Amani 

Three weeks have gone by in this hell hold. I've been itching for some action for a while now. All I can do is exercise to keep myself active, but even that has gotten boring. Every now and then that stupid councilor Sebastian keeps trying to change my mind about my actions.

I was out in the courtyard looking for any way to escape this place when immediately the prison alarms started going off. Then a bright screen floated in front of me. It read 

<<"The error in the Grand Tower's system has caused a breach of containment. Monsters and demons will now be entering your world. As the race with the most influence and sapience in your world, you will fight monsters from the Grand Tower. Your world will die without a doubt, but we will give you a chance to survive.">>

Gunshots could be heard from the prison, but Amani was more interested in the mystical screen in front of him.

"The System, a tool that will allow you to grow stronger quickly. This is your survival, you may use it in any way you want. The tower will give you an ability that will best suit you." 


Effect 1. When feeling 100% sadistic happiness the fear and dread effect is activated by people in the vicinity.

Effect 2. Causing chaos and mayhem will allow you to gain 50% of the XP of whoever is killed in the process.