Chapter 2

"To save yourself and transfer to the Grand Tower you must become level 50, kill 500 monsters, and complete a medium grade dungeon on your own."

A helicopter from the military came. "It seems this situation has not only brought attention from the military, but it also means that this message may not be limited to me only."

As he watched the helicopter fly he noticed another helicopter in the air, or so he thought. From behind a massive reddish-purple winged reptile appeared in the air. The helicopter fired bullets at the creature, but its thick scales seemed to neglect any damage and only angered the beast.

The beast struck at the helicopter with one fierce blow and struck the helicopter down. (kinda like a cat swiping your cup of water off the table)

Amani then realized the severity of this situation. Immediately he went to the door where the guard was supposed to be and found a green figure in the halls. It was rather short, around 3 feet tall, with its back turned. When it heard the door creak open it turned its head immediately in my direction. It gave out a disgusting scream and charged at me.

It was rather fast and nimble. It tried to slash me with a knife, but I quickly dodged and kicked it straight in the stomach. Using a ranged weapon to kill this thing would be difficult, so why were they shooting? Are they not smart enough to figure out how to kill these lifeforms?

Before the green figure could regain balance I kicked it in the head leaving a massive dent in it's head. Its life is no longer present in this world.

<< You have killed one goblin. You have gained 50XP. Open the status window to see more.>>

"Status Window?" Amani exclaimed. Immediately the status window appeared in front of him.

Name: Amani

Sex: M

Height: 5'11

Class: None

Level: 1

Strength: 10 {physical power and capabilities}

Constitution: 9 {toughness, defense, health}

Dexterity: 7 {agility, reflexes}

Intelligence: 9 {knowledge, reasoning, logic }

Charisma: 4 {personality, charm, leadership,}


Passive: Hand to Hand Combat [D]

Active: None

Title: Chaotic Freedom [???]

"How reliable is this information?" Amani thought. "I mean I am fit to human standards." I took a look at the corpse of the goblin, blood leaking from its nose, eyes, and ears. He couldn't fathom the fact that such small creatures could cause such a commotion. Is it because it looks weird and caught them off guard?

Perplexed by the situation, Amani headed inside. Something he wouldn't normally do. When he entered he saw jail cells empty and the room scattered with bloody bodies. All smushed either in the stomach, limbs, or their entire body.

But that's not what I paid attention to the most. What caught my attention was a massive green humanoid figure. Wounds all over its skin. It appears as shooting this thing seems rather difficult. Bullets barely penetrated its skin.

Beside the big green corpse was a massive wooden club. Blood all over it. As I was investigating the corpse I noticed that the gunshots died down. Going further inside the prison I noticed something very odd. It was a stone stairwell going downwards. It was dark without light.

There was blood everywhere and some scattered limbs but no body. When I looked more intensely at the dungeon a notification came from the system.


"Hey you! I heard from behind me come back here. Without even looking back I instinctively ran down the stone stairwell and entered the dungeon. The dungeon was a cave with that curved inside. When I ran a bit further I found a goblin nest.

Looking back I didn't hear anyone coming from behind. I observed the area to see any enemies. 7 goblins in total. I sat down in a corner waiting for a chance to strike. After several minutes two goblins wondered by not even noticing my presence. Immediately I kicked one of the goblins as hard as I could, causing it to tumble away. The second goblin turned around but before it could call for help I grabbed its lower jaw and bashed it against the wall.


I looked back at the nest and noticed 2 other goblins had wandered away. I grabbed one of the goblins' make-shift knives and crept into their hideout. I crept up to one of the goblins and decapitated it.


A disgusting noise made by one of the goblins that had noticed me. It pointed its makeshift knife at me and two other goblins came. The other two goblins immediately came charging.

I grabbed the face of the goblin that was coming from the left and pushed it into the goblin that was coming from the right. They both tumbled on the floor on top of eachother. I stabbed the goblin that was on top causing it to flail in pain. The goblin on the bottom failed because of the sudden movement and screams from his comrade.

I pulled out my knife from the dead goblin and stabbed the goblin that was underneath the other one. I turned around and looked at the goblin I had knocked over. It was standing up now with its sword in its hands. It backed away slowly while pointing its sword at me. Fear engulfing its entire being.

"Where do you think you're going, you green demon?" I had proclaimed. I walked towards it. The goblin fell on the floor having stumbled. Breathing heavily as it felt its death drawing near.

With a quick slash a deep cut formed on the goblins neck and blood painted on the sword. The goblin is dead.

By the time I killed the 3 goblins 3 more goblins appeared. After some struggle I killed the 3 goblins.

<< You have killed 6 goblins and have gained 300 XP. You have leveled up!. You have earned 8 attribute points. You are the 7,091st person to level up, you will receive a reward. Your reward is "Random Loot Box.">>

"A reward? Do they think I'm just some pet? *Sigh I guess I'll open it. I'm quite curious as to what control this situation could offer."


"Potion? What the hell is a potion?


"This doesn't sound too bad." I looked at one of the bottles. Where do I put this though? I opened the status to find any hints and in the corner of the page I found a chest icon. Pressing it I was shown 12 empty boxes.

Under the boxes it read: <>

After learning this I put all of my potions into one slot. Apparently 6 potions can stack up for 1 slot. I then checked my status and found out what an attribute point does. Attribute points allow you to increase your growth stats. I put 3 stats into strength, 2 into dexterity, and 1 in both constitution and intelligence. I'm not entirely sure how charisma and MP could ever help me so I am keeping it as it is.

I ventured deeper into the dungeon killing around 10 stray goblins. I gained the skill Knife Mastery [F]. When wandering deeper I found another goblin, but it was different. It was tall around my height with darker skin. It held a big club in its hand. When it saw me it shouted in its native language.

It started walking towards me. Then it started charging. When it closed the distance between us it swung its club at me vertically. I quickly dogged and slashed at the large-goblins arm that was holding the club. It grunted in pain but did not lose focus. Immediately it shoved me away causing me to hit the cave wall. It then switched its club into its other hand and charged at me once more. Regaining my composure I quickly charged at it and tackled him on the floor.

The hobgoblin, having fallen to the floor, tried to get up, but without hesitating I stabbed it in the abdomen. It cried out in pain.

"Shhh, shhh. It will all be over soon. I said. It looked at my face and the hobgoblin's face turned from pain to horror.


Sitting down against a wall I checked my status window. "Wait what?" I wondered. "My strength, constitution and dexterity have increased by one. Why?"

As if eavesdropping on my conversation the system answered my question.


Ok then. I looked at my status wondering which attribute I should put my attribute points in. I poured 3 attribute points into strength and dexterity, and 1 into both intelligence and constitution.

"Kekeke!" I laughed. This is so much fun. I've never felt so alive. I feel like a child with a brand new toy.