A man with Bra 2

"What a neat room."

In a small wooden room consisting of a single old wooden table and two chairs that are trying very hard not to be shattered into pieces.

The glint of proper maintenance shines on the chairs and table. These are antique. But with the current situation in the world. These were luxuries.

'Should I sit or not.' La Coasta thought in dilemma.

Suddenly, a furious yell echoed from outside. La Coasta trembled and held his breath subconsciously. His heart was thumping and his blood running cold.

"Relax, since he didn't see you coming in here. He won't know." The woman said, looking at the scared La Coasta and shook her head lightly.

La Coasta swallow the lump in his throat slowly and nodded. His gaze darted to the entrance now and then. Hence, after a couple of seconds, the furious yell from the middle-aged man began to disappear into thin air.

'Huh! That was close.'

He wiped the bead of sweat from his forehead and looked at the woman with his best smile.

"Ma, you're my lifesaver." He grinned showing his rows of white teeth. "I'm indebted to you in this life and the next."

"Stop your nonsense." The woman waves her hand, dismissing La Coasta.

Meanwhile, La Coasta's eyes was fixed on her face. His deep greenish eyes stared at her face and smile foolishly.

"What are you staring at— is there something on my face."

"Hmm. Hmm," He nodded.

"What!" She touched her face, trying to remove whatever was on her face.

"Enchanting Beauty." He said absentmindedly

"What nonsense!" Her voice raised a decibel but her red flushed chick uncovered her facade.

"Previously, I didn't know you're such an angel—" His smile spread throughout his face. "After so much bad luck. Good luck finding me at last. Now, I can die without regret."

The woman twisted her lips and tried to hide her smile. A woman would be a woman. No matter how old they are and whatever condition they find themselves in.

The praise of their beauty won't stop to elucidate a smile on their face. Furthermore, if it was coming from young men a few years younger than them. It makes their belly flutter with butterflies.

"Really!" The woman chuckled and her two dumplings giggled under her loose top.

La Coasta forcefully swallowed the lump in his throat and licked his lips subconsciously while he lowered his gaze from her face to her cherry bosom and took a step forward.

His eyes were sparkling and his hands trembling.

'Am I that beautiful?' The woman thought in dismay.

'No one has ever reacted this way toward me. Not even my husband.' Suddenly, her eyes brightened and her gaze fixed on the bra on La Coasta's neck.

"Now, I understand where you got that bra and why that man was chasing you." She giggled and deliberately shook her two mountain dumplings.


[Target Status: Curious.]

La Coasta saw the notification and his confidence boomed. He removed the transparent bra and presented it to the woman.

"He was jealous of my talent, that's why." He moves closer to the woman and presents the bra to her as a reward.

"Only the fated one can wear this bra. I found this bra when I ventured outside and there was an ancient text written on it."

"Oh!" She raised her brow and giggled. "What does it say?"

"Any woman that fits into this bra would have a chance to unlock their bloodline." He said confidently while his gaze was still on her inviting bosom.

"Really!" She tilted her head and looked at La Coasta with an apprehensive gaze. "Why haven't I heard such a bizarre thing before."

La Coasta moves closer to her. "Have you ventured outside of this village?" he stepped closer with another large step.

"Do you know there are thousands of strange bloodlines that awaken every day? There are particular people with a bloodline who can see the future."

The woman wanted to refute but she knew he was right. Besides, she hasn't ventured outside the village security.

Also, the various news of strange power among those that awakened their bloodlines spread among the folks in the village.

'Is it possible for it to be true?' Various conflict thoughts appeared in her mind. 'If I can awaken my bloodline. I won't have to be stuck in this hell hole. If it's just a lie, I can't pass this opportunity.'


[Target Status: Interested.]

The world had changed. Nowhere is safe anymore. After the earth-shaking explosion that happened over a century ago, sending purple waves to every corner of the world.

Then, the world witnessed their greatest nightmare. A spatial rift appears in every corner of the world and the Shataki emerges.

The Shataki brings destruction and blood. Then, the decisive war began.

Human witness their greatest nightmare. Forests were turned into deserts under the control of the Shataki.

People died in alarming rate. Cities turned into ruin.

When all hope was lost, a group of scientists discover how to unlock the dormant bloodline in humans. Hence, things changed from there on.

Without a bloodline, no one cares about you.

"Are you sure about this? With that look, I guess it's a lie."

La Coasta was only a couple of inches from the woman. He stared intently at the woman and said seriously. "Do you know what other things were written on the ancient scroll…"

He cleared his throat "Any woman I deceive using this bra. I'll forever be their slave."

"Hmm, really. How do I know you're not lying." She was skeptical about all this bullshit coming from La Coasta's mouth.

"Because you're going to feel a connection with the bra. If you're accepted by the bra, you will know, and if not. You'll also know."

The woman didn't utter a word for a couple of seconds. La Coasta's eyes focused on her cleavage and forcefully swallowed his saliva.

"If you have second thoughts about this. Let's forget about this." He said with confidence. 'I hope this bullshit works.'

"What's in for you? You can't be doing it for fun, right?" She raised her brow.

"Indeed. I'm not doing it for free. After I find the fated one. I'll also have the chance to unlock my bloodline."

'Bloodline my ass. Who cares about bloodline? As long as I can touch, no, suck this mountain…'

"Oh!" She nodded. 'Now, I understand. He is doing this to have the chance to unlock his bloodline— make sense.'

"What should I do?"