Full Package

La Coasta didn't hear the last word. He couldn't stop his craving hands and grope the inviting bosoms in bliss.


A slight moan escaped from the woman's lips, and she gasped for air, closing her eyes slightly. La Costa's hands send an electric sensation throughout her body.

Yet another moan escaped from her mouth when his hand rubbed her nipple.

She trembled in ecstasy. Her breathing was erratic. 'Gush! What… kind… of touch is this?' Her head was heavy, and her thoughts; it was jumbled. La Coasta moves closer to the woman; his eye was over his head with a wild grin plastered all over his face.

'This is heaven. Why fight the beasts when you can find paradise here?' He licked his lips and kissed the slightly open mouth of the woman.



[Deep kiss: +2 points.]

With each assault from La Coasta, the woman was falling deeper into the web of lust. His left arm snaked around the woman's waist and landed on her perky ass. He squeezed the soft melon and a light groan escaped from his mouth.

Unable to satiate his lust, La Coasta's hand moved directly into the short skirt and touched her skin directly.

'Dang it! These are ripe cherries. He groped the ass while his other hand was on her breast, moving from one breast to another.


[Grope her melon: +5]

He trailed his finger between the crack slowly, sending a voltage of current throughout the woman's body.

Hmm. Hmm!

She moaned, and her leg turned to jelly. She wanted to fall but was supported by La Coasta strong her hands. Perhaps not strong.

She staggered backward while her tongue and La Coast were entwined; they swallowed each other's saliva with their breath uneven.



[Lewd Kiss: +3 points.]

The woman's back hit the wooden wall, and a slight moan escaped from her. She couldn't think straight anymore she wrapped one arm around La Coasta's neck while the others were on his waist, forcing him closer than possible.


'Yes, I'm almost there. Full package. No, no, I need to suck.'

'Dang it! I almost forgot.'

La Coasta stop kissing her and immediately went for the two mountain peaks. He couldn't wait, with his eyes glowing in the madness of lust. There was only one thing on his mind. To eat this woman.


A loud moan escaped from the woman. She jacked her head backward and gasped for air. La Coasta was sucking her nipple with vigor. He sucked through the thin clothes which couldn't stop his assault.

'This cloth is getting in the way.'

With one swing motion, he tore the thin fabric and a slight moan elucidate from the woman.

'Wow! These are ripe cherries.' La Coasta's eyes glowed with lust. He trembled in anticipation and licked his lips.


The woman jacked her head back under the assault from La Coasta sucking. This was nothing she had ever experienced.

His tongue played on her hard nipple, sending electricity to every nerve in her body. A stream of liquid escaped from her cave.


[Suck her melon: +10 points.]

While La Coasta was sucking her melon crazily. His nose picked a familiar scent and his face brightened.

'Almost there. Full Packa — '

"What a show?" A husky voice said from behind. His voice was laced with unending fury. Yet, the two lost souls didn't hear the sarcasm.

"Hmm. Hmm!" A muffled sound escaped from La Coasta, yet he didn't turn his head and continued milking the woman with vigor.

While the woman was lost in ecstasy, jacking her backward with half her eyes closed. She didn't care about the world.

"Oh!" The husky voice was surprised by the two lost souls. How could they not notice his arrival?

Vein protruded from his forehead and his eyes darkened. He raised his fist, ready to give the deadly blow to La Coasta. And Behold,

"Almost there." La Coasta murmured, gasping for air.

He took one of his arms and went directly for the hidden cave. He touched the hairless cave and his eyes brightened when a stream of liquid assaulted his hand.

"You're already waiting for the main dish." He muttered in a daze. His finger went straight and stimulated her clitoris.

Ha! Ha!

Hearing the melodious voice from the woman and the slight grunt from La Coasta. The middle-aged man's hands froze in the air and his mouth was aghast.

'I've never heard such moaning from my wife.'

He was conflicted and rolled his eyes in his socket. Yet, the raging fury in his heart burns like a raging inferno.

"If I don't kill this asshole, I will write my name backward," He shouted.

"The hunters' team has returned." A loud yell came from the outside with exhilaration.

'Hmm! The Hunter team has returned!' La Coasta caught some words from the jubilation.



A heavy fist landed on his chick and both he and the woman crashed on the wall from the sudden attack.

La Coasta's head was fuzzy. Everything went blank for a moment. Right from Cloud 9 to ground 0. A red liquid escaped from his mouth and nose.

While the woman whimpered in pain. Both lost souls couldn't understand what the hell had just happened.

"I will kill you, this dog, and that bitch!"


Another heavy punch landed on La Coasta like a bullet train. He was dizzy. He rolled to the ground and blood gushed out from his mouth.

'Dang it! Am I going to be beaten to death here?' His thought was shambled.

Fight back. Hell No.

La Coasta was one of the weakest people in the Byport wasteland village. He was a coward to the extreme. Fight back. He rather let them beat him than fight back.

Everyone in Byport village knew how useless he was. He was timid, fragile, and a coward. If not for the Byport Village head, he would have long been killed by the villagers.

But now, it seems he has run out of luck.

He cried in pain, looking at the furious middle-aged man from the corner of his eyes.


Another punch landed directly on his face, breaking his nose. He screamed in agony and rolled on the ground.

"Rashad, what the hell is going on?" A middle-aged man entered the room.

"This useless prick was having a go on my wife," Rashad shouted, ready to send another powerful punch.

'Why didn't you punch your wife? Why am I the only one you're punching?' La Coasta complained in his heart.

Rust's mouth slackened. He was lost. La Coasta had already had a go with his wife also, but he didn't have the privilege of catching him. But now…

"Rush and Rashad. What are you doing inside? Come out for your share of meat." An elderly voice resounded from outside.

Hearing the elderly voice, the two paused a moment and turned around towards the voice. And behold...


A silhouette escaped as his life depended on it while Rush and Rashad lose their focus on the aging voice.


The two realized what had just happened. A trace of fury appeared on their faces and they bellowed, dashing after him.

"Asshole don't go!"

"Catch him!"