Birth of the unknown


La Coasta's eyelashes twitched slightly. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly.

'Am I dead!?'

His head was fuzzy, assaulted by a heavy headache. He took a deep breath and looked at his surroundings.

"Where is this place?" He murmured. He tried to move his arm but he was dumbfounded.

He couldn't move it.

He looked at his arm and was stupefied. His hand was chained to the bed.

'What the hell!?' He couldn't wrap his head around what was going on.

'Was I caught by the Byport Villagers?' He thought in panic.

He was chained in both arms and legs. He doesn't know how he found himself in this deadly situation.

His heart raced. Sweats dripped from his head.

He turned and looked at the strange room with various strange machines. He had never seen such machines in his life.

What the hell is this place?

'This can't be Byport Village. They don't have such bizarre machines.'

Suddenly, a creak came from his front and a hidden door opened. A lady dressed in a white coat looked at La Coasta with a fascinating gaze.

They both stared at each other for a moment.

La Coasta was scared. He hated it when he was being stared at like a specimen.

He wanted to hide from this lady but he couldn't. Unknown to him, he was visibly trembling.

'Am I that scary?' The lady thought. She was shocked by La Coasta's reaction.

"I know— Three witches." La Coasta stuttered. His heart was in his throat.

His greatest nightmare came to pass.

'Why didn't I die in the Devil Storm. Why!'

His teeth were clattering together. His breathing was erratic. Under his timid nature, he hyperventilated and began to convulse.

"What happen to you?" The lady asked. Her voice raised a decibel. She moved closer to La Coasta.

However, he was too scared and tried to move back from the lady. Nevertheless, the chain obstructed his movement.

"P-P-Please don't come near me." He stuttered. Tears dropped from the corner of his eyes.


The lady opened her mouth wide. This was the first time she saw a man so scared that he almost lost his consciousness.

She stared at La Coasta for a moment and sighed. She shook her head and averted her gaze from him.

She walked toward the machines and began to check the readings.

"Kelsi. Don't ever ask me to do that disgusting thing again." A voice shouted.


The door opened and a lady entered with a frown on her face. She glanced at La Coasta and averted her gaze.

In her hand was a transparent tube with yellow fluid.

"If you don't do it. Who's going to do it." Kelsi retorted and received the tube from her.

"You can ask Tania," Annett responded in indignation.

"Forget it. I hope this would be the last experiment." Kelsi paused for a moment and stared at La Coasta with a conflicted gaze.

"After this, we have no hope." She added dejectedly and shook her head.

"Hmm. Hmm." Annett nodded. "I hope this frail man can handle it. But—"

"No, but. We don't have any more choices. This would be the last time." Tania's icy voice echoed in the room as she entered.

She looked at La Coasta and shook her head.

"We're lucky to find him. And if this doesn't work. We should accept our fate."

She may be cold and ruthless. She has a bottom line. Yet, she wouldn't give up without trying.

"I agree." Annett nodded.

Kelsi looked at her two friends and sighed. She placed the yellow tube into a strange machine and pressed some buttons.

After a couple of seconds, the machine hummed and began to spin.

Shortly, another liquid came out of the machine into a small serum. A few seconds later, the machine stopped spinning.

She took the purple serum and stared at it for a moment.

'I have never tried this on a human before. Am I doing the right thing?'

Various conflicted thoughts appeared in her mind.

The two other ladies looked at Kelsi without making a sound. They knew she was fighting her inner self.

All their previous research had never been this extreme.

They were scared. But the allure of waking their bloodline and escaping the wasteland made them seal their heart and proceed.

Their previous research was again human while trying to awaken their dormant bloodline using various means.

However, in the long run. They began to cross research human bloodlines with animals.

Then, it moves to mutated animals— Monster Beast.

Finally to this.

They had to kill a lot of people and do so many unthinkable things before they could lay their hands on the last specimen.

And it was their last hope.

A Shataki.

If the human federation knew the three witches were conducting a test on a Shataki using a live human as a test subject.

They would be branded as traitors. And be killed on sight. Yet…

Though the Shataki was dead. Its intimidating aura and its strong physique gave them a ray of hope.

When Kelsi first suggested they should try using the Shataki blood. Annette and Tania rejected the notion.

In the end…

'I can't remain in this forsaken wasteland without trying my best. It's for the best. It may be a blessing in disguise for him. He may even awaken his bloodline.'

With this thought, a rare glint appeared deep in Kelsi's hazel eyes.

"Tania. You do it." Kelsi said without any emotion on her face.

La Coasta watches the interaction between the three. And the foreboding feeling in his heart increases.

'System. System.' He shouted.


[Host should please stop shouting this system name.]

'Please save me.'


[3 Potential Target detected.]

[New Quest.]

—1. Kiss the three targets. (3 points.)

—2. Suck their melon. (5 points.)

—3. Fck one of the three and let her cry your name. (20 points.)

—4. Dominate the three women — Full Package. (50 points.)

[Host is advised to go for the full package.]

Seeing the new quest, La Coasta wanted to puke blood. His chest rises and falls.

He was furious. He thought he had a golden finger. But it seems he was just delusional.

'System, I ask you to save me, not to give me a new quest. This is not the time to joke. My life is at stake here.'


[System never jokes with the host. This is the best possible way for the host to escape from this predicament.]

'Your father!' he cursed in his heart.

'I'm doomed.'

Tania received the serum from Kelsi without any expression on her face. She moved closer to La Coasta and said slowly.


"Don't come near me!" La Coasta shouted.

He wanted to escape from this nightmare. But the chain put him in place.

Without further ado, Tania moves closer to him and stabs the serum into his chest.

A sudden pain assaulted La Coasta's body.

For a couple of seconds, he froze. Tania took a couple of steps backward while her gaze was fixed on La Coasta.

Suddenly, he began to convulse vehemently. His muscles bulged.

Veins protruded from his skin. He opened his eyes and closed them. His eyes turned from the shade of red to purple.

His teeth clatter together, echoing throughout the room.

The three ladies looked at La Coasta in fear and hope. The outcome of this research was unknown. But they hoped it was the best.

Inside, La Coast body. All his body tissue under earth-shaking changes. Every cell was broken and re-created.

The purple liquid tried to dominate his blood. It almost succeeded when something mysterious happened.

Deep within his blood. A golden light sparkled. Like a chain reaction.

The golden light began to spread throughout his body. The purple liquid tried to dominate the golden light but it was futile.

However, instead of the golden light dominating the purple liquid. It mixed and formed crimson blood.


La Coasta was suspended in the air. All his muscle was stretched to the limit while the sound of bones broken and rejoining could not be more obvious.

An intimidating aura spread out of him.

Now, the three ladies were scared.

What have we done?

Suddenly, La Coasta opened his eyes.


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