


The chain binding La Coasta to the bed was broken into pieces, and before he descended on the bed.

He twisted his body in the air and maneuvered swiftly, appearing before the three ladies.



They stared directly into La Coasta's burning crimson eyes with their mouths ajar.

What just happened.


A miserable pain jolts the ladies from their stupor. Whilst La Coast long sharp canine teeth dug deep into Kelsi's neck.

She screamed in agony. Grimacing helplessly against the sudden bite on her neck.

Her face whitened quickly and her eyes lost their luster. Veins appeared on her face and her brain was fuzzy. Losing consciousness every second.

Is this my end!?

She thought.

Tania recovered from her initial shock and sent a powerful punch toward La Coasta's face.

"How dare you!? Asshole!" She shouted.

La Coasta didn't bat an eye toward her, but one of his arms moved swiftly.


Tania was sent flying, crashing against the wall. She pukes slight blood and stares at La Coasta in shock Meanwhile, Annette didn't breathe loudly. She watched the scene unfolding in dismay.

What should she do?

The strongest among them was casually sent flying. She shuddered and her heart was in her throat. Unknown, her back was drenched in cold sweats; trembling.

A light groan escaped from La Coasta's mouth. The bulging muscle and protruding veins; crimson eyes and sharp teeth make him fearsome.

Kelsi was like a withered leaf. Helpless. She had accepted fate when she saw that Tania was sent flying.

They brought this upon themselves.

Tania and Annette watched as life drifted out of Kelsi's body. Tears gathered at the corner of Annette's eyes. Her playful demure was gone. While Tania's cold face stared at La Coasta like a prey. Yet…

Suddenly, La Coasta removes his teeth from Kelsi's neck and licks his lips, smiling.


The smile makes both Tania and Annette shudder in fear. This was no smile of a human.

But a devil.

What have they created!?

They cried in their hearts.

Kelsi slumped to the ground without breathing. Annette's eyes dripped from tears, yet she didn't avert her eyes from the monster in front of her.

La Coasta turned his head and focused his gaze on her, showing his long canine teeth.

'I'm gone!' She cried in her heart.


She saw blurry movement and gasped.


She cried in pain, grimacing under La Coasta strong hand and sharp teeth. Now, she understood how Kelsi felt under the monster's attack.

He was forcefully siphoning life out of them.

This was hell!

Tania's cold eyes blinked twice. Her cold expression was long gone, replaced with trepidation. Her heart was racing.

Suddenly, she bolted out of the room with her heel touching the back of her head. She didn't look back for a couple of seconds. If anyone of the wasteland overlord saw this.

En! The three witches knew fear!?

They will be shocked speechlessly.

After a couple of seconds of sucking Annette's blood. La Coasta blinked twice and the crimson pupil turned back to his usual greenish eyes.


He groaned and removed his teeth from her neck and stumbled back. He held his head and cried in pain. What happened previously was based on instinct. Instinct that wasn't his.

Annette fell lifelessly to the ground. The turn of events was beyond their scope of reasoning.

Never in their dream would they believe in their chase to awaken their bloodline. To be called a Maxis. They would be killed by their creation. Perhaps, it wasn't their creation to begin with.

The cry coming from La Coasta lessened. What happened previously began to play in his mind.

'What the hell!?'

He cried in his heart. He shivered in fear seeing the two lifeless bodies in front of him.

"What have I done?" He cried, moving back from the two bodies.

Unknown to him, his hand was trembling vehemently while a bead of sweat appeared on his head. He never kills an animal in his life. Kill— that would be an understatement. His cowardly behavior never allows him to touch any animal.

Sometimes, eating meat gives him nightmares.

His head was fuzzy and his heart was racing, drenched in cold sweats. Tears gathered at the corner of his eyes, ready to fall at any time.

Had Tania waited a couple of seconds, she'd have been flabbergasted by the turn of events. Yet, the unspeakable happened. Behold…

Kelsi's lifeless eyes twitched a bit. Her frozen finger moved slightly and lastly; her heart began to pound.

Her whitened face brightened in a couple of seconds. The teeth mark on her neck disappeared at a visible rate.

She opened her eyes and blinked. Her eyes turned crimson and sniffed her nose. She sat straight and looked in a certain direction.

La Coasta's hair stood straight. He raised his head and looked in the direction where the foreboding feeling was coming from.

Both eyes met.

Kelsi licked her lips and smiled. She rose to her feet. While La Coasta shivered in fear.

"S-Sorry don't come near me. Everything that happened was a mistake." He shouted, getting on his feet; moving backward.

"Hmm. Hmm." She nodded, tilting her head slightly while a seductive smile appeared on her gorgeous lips.

She took a step at a time moving toward him while he took a step backward. La Coasta ran out of luck. His back touched the bed.

"P-P-Please…. P-Please… Don't— "


He saw a blur movement and opened his mouth but felt a sudden pain in his neck. A sudden pain assaulted his brain. He wanted to cry in pain but suddenly the pain disappeared and was replaced with pleasure.

His eyes changed and his fear disappeared into thin air. A wild smile appeared on his face.

"Momma me!"


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